Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Cleans: Things You Should Be Cleaning (But Probably Aren’t)

Even though we are in the middle of winter, it’s never to early to start spring cleaning! I have a few things here that you should take care of this week.

When it comes to keeping our homes clean, we often stick to the basics: floors, counters, and bathrooms. But there are hidden spots that gather dust, germs, and grime without us even noticing. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Here’s a list of things around your house that you should be cleaning but probably aren’t, as well as how how to tackle them easily. Read on for some cleaning suggestions  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Tips for Organizing Your Home After the Holidays

Now that everyone has opened their presents and scooted the relatives out the door, it’s time to get organized! The winter holidays are done, let’s get organized!

The holidays bring so much joy, but let’s be honest, they can also leave behind a mess. Between the influx of gifts, leftover decorations, and an abundance of holiday cheer packed into every corner, your home might feel more chaotic than cozy. January is the perfect time to reset and restore some order. With a little creativity and a practical approach, you can reclaim your space and start the year feeling refreshed. Read  — Read full post


DealDash Starts the New Year with Self-Care for Busy Moms

Happy New Year everyone! Let’s start the year off right, with a little bit of self-care. It’s a great way to welcome the year ahead.

The holidays are magical, aren’t they? The sparkle of lights, the laughter of loved ones, the joy on your kids’ faces as they tear into their gifts. But let’s be honest, moms: making that magic happen takes a toll. Between shopping, decorating, baking, and a thousand other tasks, chances are you’ve been running on fumes. Now that the hustle and bustle have settled, it’s time to focus on someone who often gets overlooked during the  — Read full post

Lifestyle Wellness

Get Started on Self-Care in January 2024 with DealDash

In January, it’s fun to embrace the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions. To enjoy life just a little bit more, consider adding some self-care practices in 2024.

The onset of the new year is an ideal moment for self-reflection, embracing, and nurturing yourself. Following the busy holiday season, January offers a serene respite, allowing you to decompress and ponder your ambitions for the coming year. This is also a time to commit to enhancing your self-care routine (or adding a new one!). The winter months provide the perfect backdrop for indoor relaxation with a warm beverage of choice or  — Read full post

Lifestyle Outdoors

DealDash Digital Detox in January

Do you find yourself with your nose stuck in your phone, computer, or video games all day long? Maybe it’s time for a digital detox.

January is the perfect time to step away from technology and practice a digital detox. A digital detox can be beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus, and reaping other physical health benefits. It’s a chance to unplug, relax, and give your mind a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of daily life on the internet. Even just taking one day per week, say, a Sunday, can have benefits. Before you begin, however,  — Read full post