
DealDash Entertains Kids in Summer


Summer vacation has been here for a week, and my kids are already bored. Here are some ideas from DealDash to entertain the kids for the summer.

I have three kids, two of them old enough to be bored with summer vacation already. My kid’s summer camp is only 3 hours long, what can we do to fill the rest of the day? Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to keep kids occupied during the summer.

Put Them to Work

When you say “put them to work” that sounds like a recipe for scowls and whining, right? Not  — Read full post


DealDash Treats Chicken Pox Naturally


Chicken pox has always been a rite of passage of childhood. Let DealDash help you treat the itching, naturally.

Getting chicken pox is more and more rare these days since there is a vaccination on the market. However, the vaccination is not always 100% effective, and some kids end up getting a mild case. No matter how mild the case is, though, the itching can be almost unbearable. Here are some tips and hints to ease the itching without a lot of chemicals.

Treat Chicken Pox With Oatmeal

Oatmeal has been used practically forever to soothe and as a home  — Read full post


DealDash Recipe: Carrot Cake Pops, Yum!


I love carrot cake, do you? Sometimes making a whole cake is just too much, though, why not make carrot cake pops with DealDash?

Cake pops became very popular a few years ago when people realized that they could still eat cake even though they were watching their calories. A person would typically only eat 2-3 cake pops per sitting, which is approximately half of a regular serving of cake. Cake pops can be satisfying even though they are smaller than a regular serving of cake. Not only that, they are the perfect size for children, and kids love them  — Read full post


DealDash Crafts: Paint a T-Shirt


June is the season for crafting a painted t-shirt. Graduation and Father’s Day are both excellent occasions. Here are some ideas and tips from DealDash.

There are lots of reasons that you might want to custom paint your own t-shirt, graduation and Father’s Day are only two examples. T-shirt painting is a great way to turn a plain t-shirt into something creative and unique. There are a few different ways of painting t-shirts, from free-handing to using stencils to spray painting! Here are some suggestions.

Prepare Your Canvas and Work Area

After buying your plain shirt be sure to wash  — Read full post


Let’s Have a DealDash Spa Slumber Party

DealDash Spa

School is almost over, and your kids are going to be bored. Why not plan a spa slumber party with DealDash?

A spa slumber party can be fun for kids of all ages, from little kids up to grannies! However, it’s especially well-received by girls in Elementary and Middle school.  With a little preparation and some creativity, your spa slumber party will be a hit with your daughter or granddaughter and her little friends! Here are some tips, tricks, hints, and ideas from DealDash to make your party a success.

Make Some Decisions

There are many decisions that you’ll need  — Read full post