
DealDash Feeds the Baby

As the mom of a 6 month old I am just starting to feed him baby food. It’s the messiest!

I am working on some ways to help keep the mess to a minimum. The first one is to stop using baby wipes on his face and hands! They just don’t work that well, smearing the food around rather than wiping it off. I bought some good quality bamboo baby wash cloths and use those during mealtimes instead. It seemed that the baby wipes were irritating his skin, and it’s much better since switching to the wash cloths.

A good  — Read full post


DealDash Cooks: Chicken With Egg Noodles

Slow cookers are usually associated with cold weather foods like stews and pot roast, but here’s a delicious meal that’s just perfect for any kind of weather.

I always hate putting away my slow cooker for the spring and summer seasons. Slow cookers make life so much easier by helping you make delicious home cooked meals without spending too much of your valuable time in the kitchen. I’m always on the lookout for recipes that allow me to use my slow cooker for a seasonally appropriate meal.

Below is a delicious recipe that has become a staple in my household  — Read full post


DealDash Recipes: Homestyle Meatloaf

My kids might not agree, but I think that meatloaf is delicious! I am definitely not the best cook that I have ever met, but I have to brag a little when I say that my meatloaf is delightful.

Now that we are into the full swing of summer a lot of the local supermarkets around me are having really great sales on ground beef assuming that people are going to buy it to grill hamburgers. It’s only July and I am already a little tired of burgers. Let’s take that ground beef and turn it into yummy meatloaf.

Ingredients: — Read full post


DealDash Cooks: Slow BBQ Chicken

Originally hailing from the South, I love BBQ! If it’s too hot in your kitchen this summer to cook, just use the slow cooker.

When you say Southern BBQ most people automatically think about pork. However, chicken can also make an awesomely delicious BBQ sandwich. The slow cooker is perfect for cooking BBQ, as the key cooking phrase of anyone versed in BBQ is “Low and Slow”, which is exactly what the slow cooker does.

Here is the recipe for cooking delicious slow cooker BBQ chicken, and also some dessert ideas.


  • 4 Boneless/skinless chicken breast halves
  • 1 (18 Ounce)
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