Lifestyle Outdoors

DealDash Digital Detox in January

Do you find yourself with your nose stuck in your phone, computer, or video games all day long? Maybe it’s time for a digital detox.

January is the perfect time to step away from technology and practice a digital detox. A digital detox can be beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus, and reaping other physical health benefits. It’s a chance to unplug, relax, and give your mind a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of daily life on the internet. Even just taking one day per week, say, a Sunday, can have benefits. Before you begin, however,  — Read full post

Lifestyle Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Helps Plan Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s is coming! Have you thought about a New Year’s resolution yet? DealDash can help.

Have you decided on a New Year’s resolution yet? Many of us make resolutions for the new year, and many of us abandon them after a few weeks or months. Why not think of some resolutions that are more manageable so you are able to keep them. Read on for some ideas from DealDash.

New Year’s Resolution #1 – Become Organized

For starters, you might want to make a New Year’s Resolution to become more organized. Becoming more organized is a good choice because  — Read full post