
Building a Bird Bath with DealDash

You might remember the DealDash article a few weeks ago showing you how to build a bird house. If you enjoyed that, perhaps it time to build a bird bath.

A well-constructed and thoughtfully executed bird bath can bring new species of birds to your yard for you to enjoy. The bird bath’s placement is very important so that the birds feel safe visiting the bath. Bird bath construction is very easy and can be completed quickly without extensive woodworking knowledge needed.

The first step in constructing your new bird bath is to decide where it will be placed in  — Read full post


DealDash Speaks On: Outdoor Ponds


When you hear the phrase “outdoor pond” does your mind conjure up a fabulous mansion? The good news is that you can have a pond on a budget in your own backyard.

The great thing about an outdoor pond in your backyard is that you can choose if you want it to be an extremely budget-conscious small one, a medium-sized one, or go all out and break the budget with an extremely large and fancy one. What’s also nice is that you don’t have to get everything all at once. You can start your project, complete the basics, and  — Read full post


DealDash Does Backyard Campouts

When I asked my daughter what she wanted to do this upcoming weekend her answer surprised me. She said she wanted to have a backyard campout.

My son used to request backyard campouts when he was younger, but my daughter was always too scared to participate. I guess this summer is going to be filled with fun nights of camping out in the backyard. It’s the perfect compromise of sleeping out under the stars, yet be close enough to a bathroom, kitchen, and a bed if it starts raining!

If you’ve never had a backyard campout it’s pretty simple to  — Read full post


Summer Exercising with DealDash

The summer is a great time to start your new exercise program. The weather is beautiful, let’s go outside with DealDash!

If you live in most parts of the US then you are used to cold, windy, snowy winters. Now that it’s beginning to feel like summer it’s a great time to get in some exercise while the weather is nice. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Swimming – Most people love to swim, and it’s a very good low-impact workout. Even if you are elderly or have trouble walking most people are still able to swim, float,  — Read full post


Summer Safety With DealDash

Everyone loves summer, but with all of the fun comes extra opportunities for accidents. DealDash would like to remind you of some helpful safety tips.


No matter what your skin tone, you should always wear sunblock if you are going to be outside in the sun for an extended period of time. Along with sunblock it’s also a great idea to wear a hat as well.

Pool Safety

The number one rule of pool safety is never swim alone. Be sure to take breaks and stay hydrated while you are swimming – you might think that you won’t get  — Read full post