
DealDash Finds Beauty in the Little Things

DealDash Reviewed

Are you feeling a little annoyed at the snow, wondering when Spring will be here? It’s going to be a little while longer. Enjoy the little things.

Winter is so dark and dreary, I for one yearn to see the fresh new blades of grass and flower blooms that come with Spring. It’s so nice to see all of the little birds and animals come out of hiding when the new vegetation starts to sprout. Unfortunately, that’s still a little while off, Spring officially starts on March 20th, so we still have a couple of months left to go. Let’s  — Read full post


DealDash On: Taking Care of You

Image result for self care

Have you been taking care of yourself lately? Time to slow down and pamper yourself.

If you’ve been taking care of everyone else lately, it’s time to take some extra-special care of you. Sure, you get a massage or go to the salon here and there, but why not think of some fun, special, and different ways to pamper yourself? It’s hard to care for other people when you don’t take good care of yourself.

Here is a list of some fun ways that you can take care of yourself:

  • Buy yourself flowers
  • Get out an assortment of scented candles
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