DealDash Tactics and Tips

Bidding Advice 101 for DealDash Newbies

DealDash Tactics and Tips

One of the most frustrating things about bidding on DealDash is the “Newbies”. A newbie being a bidder who has joined Deal Dash within the last few days or weeks. So here are a few tips to help the brand new bidder.

1. READ the tips and info on the Dealdash site called “How it Works“. Knowledge is a powerful tool so learning all you can first will make you a more successful bidder. I read everything I could on the site. If I see you haven’t even written your Bio and collected those 3 free bids, then  — Read full post

Photo by Barbara L. Sellers
Home Review Gift Cards Make Room Renovation Possible

One thing I love most about is the huge variety of gift cards regularly included in its auctions. Two of my favorite gift cards are Bed, Bath & Beyond and Home Depot.

Of course, it is always nice to win those gift cards. Even if I do not win, however, and use the Buy-It-Now option (pay retail to get all my bids back free), I know it is money I would eventually have to spend, anyway. As a home owner, I know I will always need to shop at those two stores sooner or later.

I recently renovated and  — Read full post

Omaha Steaks on
Review Uncategorized

Dining Out To Dinner On DealDash

Omaha Steaks on DealDash.comOne of my favorite things to win with Dealdash is gift cards to take my family out to eat. I became a member of Dealdash in 2012 and have not payed full price to take my family out to eat since then. I have won lots of gift cards but today lets talk about FOOD!!!! Yummmm…….

You have lots of gift cards to pick from on Red Robin, Chili’s, I Hop, Outback steak house, Applebees… Whats your favorite???I won A $50 Boston Market gift card on Deal Dash for 7 cents!!!

How fun feeding your family a meal on  — Read full post

DealDash Reviews and Giving

Giving DealDash Auction Wins To Homeless Shelter

DealDash Reviews and Giving

My sister recently got a part-time job at a homeless shelter. She is 62 years old and cannot make it just on Social Security. Surviving on a fixed income in Massachusetts is very challenging unless you have a rich relative!

I especially became interested in what it was really like in a shelter after my sister started working there. I also asked myself, “How much more stuff do my children and granddaughter really need?” Besides my health, what do I really need? My thoughts went straight to Deal Dash. Maybe, a new toaster, dishes, silverware, and clothes are desperately needed.
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Free DealDash Bids Win More Auctions

Win Auctions Collect Free DealDash Bids

Free DealDash Bids Win More Auctions

Deal Dash does a lot to help the player win. They have great promotions you can participate in each week to get some free bids. All you have to do is be willing to participate.

You will notice every month they throw a promotion for three times your bids, or five times your bids. This promotion will help you get the time needed to jump up to the next level. Every level you go up the more free bids you can get. Right now I am very close to getting to level 19, which means 150 free bids for completing  — Read full post