Review DealDash Winning Tips

How DealDash’s Winners Tab Helps You Win

Review DealDash Winning Tips
DealDash Winners Menu Page

One of the most important things when it comes to bidding in penny auctions on is to review the winners page on DealDash. I can not even begin to explain how important this is.

Here are a few ways I use DealDash’s winners tab to help me win more auctions.

1. Who is winning what? Be sure to keep tabs on your opponents. Has the person you are bidding with just won a 600 bid pack? Or worse a 5000 bid pack? You probably don’t stand a chance if they have. Be sure to scan the winners page and  — Read full post Steaks
Review Uncategorized

Moooing for More SteaksI love it when DealDash offers their Free Win specials. During these times you bid as you normally would bid, but instead of the winner paying the final selling amount, DealDash pays the final winning amount. It’s one of the times that I am most active on DealDash, and much to my dismay, probably one of the times that I use more of my bids.

Recently there was a Omaha Steaks Fantastic Feast package being auctioned. The retail price was $185.00. I could just imagine how wonderful those tender, juicy steaks were going to be. I could close my  — Read full post

Hard Day's Night Beatles
Bidding Tips Home

A Hard Day’s Night

After a really long day at work, it is always nice to come home and relax by watching and bidding on DealDash. I really like to watch the bidders who slap everyone. It really can be entertaining to watch! They go from auction to auction and bid against everyone. Meanwhile the bid buddies are in use and the slapper gets no where. The slappers are easy to spot and watching them bid on every auction, you have to wonder if they are aware they can only win 6 auctions in a week?

RelatedDealDash Auction Winning limits

The technique  — Read full post

Old Rusted Pots and Pans
Home Review

Replacing Old with New on

Corningware White Blue FlowersI don’t have to cook very often but I do love it. When there is only two of you it seems easier to go out most of the time.  Decided to cook a nice meal the other day and was taken off guard. Looked at my pots & pans and realized that some of my kitchen basics were 20 years old! Yes I said 20. Does anyone still have the vintage corningware that is white with little blue flowers? Or a set of Ginsu knives? How embarrassing. I take very good care of my things but that is ridiculous.

I  — Read full post

Win coffee on DealDash
Home Review

See what Deals are Brewing on DealDash

After receiving a Keurig coffee maker for Christmas two years ago, I ended up using K-cups my family bought me for gifts. My daughter was always trying different flavors, but she always used flavored creamers too, something I really don’t care for. I happened to notice one day while I was looking over the various auction items on DealDash, that there were several different types of K-cups being offered for auction. Alot of K-cups. Alot of varieties. Alot of good deals, too.

While I have had some pretty amazing wins on K-cups, (5-10 bids) it has also given me the  — Read full post