
DealDash Helps the Environment

DealDash helps

Most people want to help our environment, but they might not know how. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to get you started.

“Save the Earth” and “Go green” might be some phrases that you have heard when thinking about helping the environment, but what do those things really mean? There are hundreds of ways that you can help our environment, some of them easy, some of them hard, and some of them you might already be doing! Read on, and find out more from DealDash.

Don’t Waste Water

This might be something that you do already to  — Read full post


DealDash Talks Metal Recycling

When most people think about recycling the first thing that comes to mind is paper, closely followed by plastic water bottles. Did you know that you can recycle many different types of metal?

Most people are familiar with aluminum can recycling, and amazingly an aluminum can goes from being tossed in your recycling bin to being back on the store shelf in 60 days! That is very helpful for the environment, since the recycling process for an aluminum can is so fast there is no need to mine for new materials. Not only does that save our resources, but it  — Read full post