Kids and Parenting

DealDash Tips for Buying Kid’s Gym Shoes


Gym shoes are important to have, especially when it’s snow boot season. Let DealDash help you find new gym shoes.

If your kids are like most, they are going to need separate shoes for gym class while in school. Now you want to find the best shoes that you can without spending a great deal of cash on them. Here are some tips for getting the best gym shoes for your kids, from DealDash.

Timing is Important

You will want to purchase shoes later in the day. Feet tend to swell slightly when you are up and about on your  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Why is Coloring Good for Them?

DealDashIf your kids love coloring, then I have good news for you. It’s actually good for them. Read on for more information, from DealDash.

When you think of coloring pages you often think of kids having fun scribbling and coloring outside of the lines. But did you know that there are actually several benefits to having your child use coloring pages? It’s true. Read all about it, from DealDash.

Learn Patience

If your child isn’t used to coloring within the lines of their coloring pages doing so can teach them patience. It will be a great experience for them to  — Read full post


DealDash Examines: Basics of Extreme Couponing

Image result for extreme couponingEveryone is familiar with couponing, but how about extreme couponing? Read on for more information from DealDash.

Have you heard of extreme couponing? Extreme couponing has become a very popular trend over the last several years with people who do it achieving massive savings on their grocery bills. While extreme couponing may seem a little intimidating to do it is actually a fantastic way to save a great deal of money on the groceries that you purchase each and every month. Here are some tips, tricks, and hints on how to get started with extreme couponing, from DealDash.

Build Up

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Tips From DealDash to Make Couponing Easier


Do you love coupons? I know I do! Here are some tips from DealDash to make couponing go more smoothly.

Many people these days are looking for ways to stretch their monthly income so that there are able to do things like affording groceries all month or perhaps even starting a savings account. Using coupons is a great way to be able to save money on the items that you are already purchasing, namely the groceries that you purchase every month. Here are some ways to have the best possible experience when you take up couponing, from DealDash.

Figure Out

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Successful Shopping with Coupons by DealDash

DealDashLove saving money on your shopping? Then look no further than this article for money-saving tips by DealDash.

Many families are trying to make their monthly income stretch further. This often means looking for ways to save money on their monthly purchases. One way to save money on your monthly purchases is by using grocery coupons. Using coupons for the groceries that you typically purchase can end up saving you a great deal of money, making your monthly budget stretch even further. Here are some tips to help you become successful using grocery coupons, by DealDash.

Get Organized!

You need  — Read full post