
DealDash Helps: Survive Food Shopping With Kids


Need some help shopping with your kids? Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to help.

Grocery shopping with small children is no easy task. No matter if they’re your kids, grandkids, or kids that you are babysitting, it is really a chore. We have all been there in the grocery store shopping when a small child has a meltdown when told they cannot get what they want. Glad that it isn’t your child? Well what if it was? Here are some ways to survive grocery day when you are in charge of small kids.

Make Sure the Kids

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DealDash Helps- Fit Your Children for Shoes

dealdash children shoes

It’s very important that your children wear the proper size shoes on their growing feet. Let DealDash help you figure out their shoe size.

Shopping for children’s shoes can be an unhappy experience for you, the children, and even the salespeople. Many women enjoy getting new shoes and will try them on for hours, however, most kids, especially younger ones, don’t really like to go shoe shopping.

Getting the proper fit for your children’s shoes is very important, though, and children outgrow their shoes very quickly. Read this article from DealDash to learn some tips for getting your children’s shoes  — Read full post


DealDash Saves on Your Grocery Bill

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DealDash likes to save you money on everything from electronics to baby toys, why not food? Here are some money-saving ideas for the supermarket.

Your grocery bill is probably one of your biggest household expenses each month, after your rent or mortgage and car payments. Luckily it’s also one of the easiest to cut down because you can always save a little here and a little there without feeling too much of a budget crunch. Here are some tips from DealDash to save money on your grocery bills.

Savings Start at Home

It’s true, saving money starts before you even  — Read full post


DealDash’s Online Shopping Ideas

Image result for online shoppingOf course DealDash would like you to come check out the auctions for this holiday shopping season, but they realize you will be shopping on multiple websites. Here are some online shopping hints for the season.

DealDash get it. DealDash understands that as much as you like their online auctions, you will be shopping in multiple places online and in store this year for Christmas. When you need something, check DealDash first, because you might be able to get a great deal – but if DealDash isn’t offering the particular item that you are looking for this year, here are  — Read full post


DealDash Thinks About Presents

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Even though it’s not even Halloween yet Christmas decorations are already decorating the shelves of the local stores. I guess it’s not to early to start thinking about Christmas presents…

Do you have any idea yet what you are planning to get for your kids, your mom, your friend? Well, if you start shopping (and winning!) now on DealDash you will be able to get everyone taken care of, presents wrapped, and ready to go before Christmas is here. And when you think about it like that, it’s actually a present to yourself! Shopping early means no waiting in long  — Read full post