
DealDash Makes Snow Ice Cream

DealDash Snow Ice Cream

I can think of 3 good things about snow – snow days, snowmen, and snow ice cream.

Have you ever had snow ice cream? As someone who grew up in North Carolina, I had never even heard of it until I went on a trip to Ohio. I saw more snow during my 4 days in Ohio than I had seen in my whole 17 years of life. This was when I was introduced to the “snow slushy,” which was really just snow with 7-UP poured on top. Living in Massachusetts, my tastes have become a little more refined, hence  — Read full post


DealDash Fun Winter Facts

DealDash winter facts

Love it or hate it, winter is an interesting season. Here are some fun facts about winter from DealDash.

Are you the sort of person that embraces the winter season? Do you love to get into your winter gear and go frolic in the snow? Or are you the sort of person who would rather huddle under the covers and wait for winter to end? No matter if winter is your most or least favorite season, here are some fun winter facts from DealDash.

Huge Snowflakes, Huge Snowmen

According to the Guinness World Records, on January 28, 1887, a  — Read full post

Fight Winter Weather with Snow Joe
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Fight Winter Weather with Snow Joe

I am originally from North Carolina, I moved up here to Massachusetts in 2004, so you would think that I would be used to the weather by now! However, every time the weather turns cold I dread the ice and the snow. Luckily, Dealdash offers some awesome winter products, including Snow Joe!

The first product that DealDash offers that’s great for the winter is probably the most obvious– The snow blower! There are a few different brands, but the one that I think that I see come up most often is the Snow Joe brand. There are a few  — Read full post