
DealDash Likes Coconut Oil



Coconut oil is a very healthy and useful product. It can be used for many things. Let DealDash give you an overview.

Using coconut oil seems to have gained popularity in the past 5 years or so. It’s a very healthy oil that is high in natural saturated fats. Saturated fats might sound bad, but it actually increases the healthy cholesterol (known as HDL) in your body, but also helps to convert the LDL “bad” cholesterol into good cholesterols. Here are some of the many benefits and uses of coconut oil.

Lose Weight

They say that you can lose

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DealDash Presents: Skin Care

As a certified aesthetician I am constantly being asked by friends and family for skin care tips. Now you can get the benefit of my esthetic training without having to pretend that you enjoy my cooking!

My number one important tip for having beautiful skin is directed mostly towards the ladies that wear make up – make sure that you wash your face before you go to sleep, and be sure that there’s nothing other than moisturizer on your face when you go to sleep. No make up of course, but make sure that there’s not any lingering SPF sunscreen
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