Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Family: Balancing Remote Work and Family Time

Many people are working remotely these days, but it can be difficult if you have small kids running around. How are you coping these days?

Remote work has become a staple of modern life, offering flexibility and convenience for many families. However, the blend of professional and personal responsibilities can feel overwhelming without the right strategies in place. Striking a balance between working from home and spending meaningful time with your family is possible. Here’s how you can manage both worlds seamlessly, with a little help from DealDash. — Read full post


DealDash Summer Tech Essentials for July 2024

Now is a great time to upgrade your tech for the season. Check out some of these great options before you leave for your next vacation.

July is here, and with it comes the excitement of travel, outdoor activities, and sunny days. To make the most of this season, there are tons of gadgets and apps designed to enhance your summer experience. Whether you’re planning a beach vacation, a road trip, or simply looking to enjoy the warm weather, here are some tech recommendations from DealDash to help you make the most of summer. — Read full post


DealDash “Drones” On and On…

Drones are super hot right now. If you’ve never seen or used a drone, you’re in for a treat.

  I can pretty much guarantee the hottest toys for Christmas of 2016 are going to be toy drones, and there are many new models and types of drones to buy already. Drones for the average individual are relatively new in the marketplace, and it seems like it’s hard not to get bombarded with too much information when you are trying to do a little bit of simple research to figure out if getting a drone is a good move for you
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