DealDash Win Limits
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DealDash’s Weekly Winning Limits

I have started to earn my six wins per week on DealDash pretty often which causes me some angst.

While I am not complaining about the six wins (they have been coming at a relatively low cost :)), I seem to go through this bidding withdrawal! I am wondering if I should try for the higher priced items or should I go to the other sites I occasionally bid on. So, I decide to try for the higher priced items and quite often get KO’ed.

I ponder the idea of bidding on other sites and return to one of my  — Read full post

reasons I love you
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Reasons I Think DealDash Is The Best Penny Auction Site

Here are my tops reasons and tips why I think DealDash is the best penny auction site available.

They are fair to everyone with the win limits

  • Everyone has a limit of 3 winning auctions worth 200 dollars or higher and 6 winning auctions under 200 dollars per week. Therefore making it fair for everyone to win!

Buy It Now option

  • If you bid on a item and don’t win you have the option to buy it at regular price and get what bids you used on that item back to try again.

Free shipping

  • What can I say, Dealdash
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