
DealDash’s Winter Skin Fixes – LIPS

DealDash Winter Skin Fixes

It’s Winter, so let’s face it – we’ve all got dry skin. Here are some Winter skin fixes for lips from DealDash to keep your lips feeling smooth til Spring.

Everyone get dry lips in the winter, even kids that normally have nice, smooth baby lips. The cold outside mixing with the dry air from heating inside just sucks all of the moisture right out of your skin. Luckily, there are plenty of small things that you can do to improve the look and texture of your winter lips. Here are some Winter skin fixes for lips from DealDash. — Read full post


Fun Indoor Kid’s Activities from DealDash


Now that winter is upon us, most people have an innate desire to stay indoors. Kids tend to get bored with the same old activities, so here are some new ideas from DealDash to keep things fresh and fun.

Kids have so many more things to do indoors now than when I was a kid. When I was a kid, there were network TV cartoons on the weekend, Legos, and Barbies. Kids of today have practically unlimited games on their iPads, millions of YouTube videos to watch, and cartoons “on demand” through the cable provider. However, as soon as the  — Read full post


DealDash On: Winter Illnesses

Image result for winter illnesses

Staying well and not succumbing to a winter illness can be a tough proposition. There are germs everywhere. Here is a quick guide from DealDash to winter illnesses to try to avoid.

No one likes coughing, fevers, dry eyes, sniffles, and headaches, but sadly most people have some (or all) of these annoying symptoms every year due to getting sick in the winter time. People who are healthy at all other times of the year seems to end up sick in the winter, possibly due to being cooped up inside, sharing germs that the kids bring home from school, and  — Read full post


DealDash’s Winter Bucket List

Image result for bucket list winter

Winter is coming fast, and while it’s tempting to just stay inside and not emerge until spring, here is a winter bucket list for you to try.

Do you have a lifetime bucket list? I personally try to stay in the moment, and having a bucket list for each new season is a great way to try new things and have fun with my family in every type of weather. Here is a fun bucket list for you to try this winter – add or remove things as you see fit to personalize it for yourself and your family.

  • Play
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Doing Fall Chores with DealDash

Image result for fall chores

Everyone thinks to do the obvious fall chores such as leaf-raking and gutter-cleaning, but what about the lesser thought of chores…

Now that we are very firmly planted into fall, it’s time to do a few different chores inside and outside the house to prepare for winter. There are the obvious fall chores that we usually think of, but there are lots of other chores that might just slip your mind until it’s too late in the season to do them. Here is a quick list of some of the lesser thought of fall chores that you might want to  — Read full post