
DealDash Stays on Task

Time management is an important skill to have, especially if you have work and family obligations. Let DealDash give you tips on how to stay on task and get things done.

What are some of the reasons that you can’t seem to fit everything in your day? I have thought about what affects me, and the list that I have come up with is:

  • Checking my email on my smartphone 20 times per day
  • Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram
  • People interrupting me when I am trying to work
  • Not being organized enough
  • General distractions

Your list of time management roadblocks  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Clean Your Fridge

What’s something that really needs to be done at least every six months that everyone dreads? Let DealDash show you a quick and easy way to clean your fridge.

Cleaning the fridge is an important part of home maintenance. Having a clean fridge helps keep food fresher and helps keep foods that absorb odors as odorless as possible. No, just sticking a box of baking soda in the fridge doesn’t count as cleaning it. But keep that box of baking soda handy, you can put it in the fridge after it’s been cleaned and sanitized. Here is a quick step-by-step  — Read full post


DealDash Does Backyard Campouts

When I asked my daughter what she wanted to do this upcoming weekend her answer surprised me. She said she wanted to have a backyard campout.

My son used to request backyard campouts when he was younger, but my daughter was always too scared to participate. I guess this summer is going to be filled with fun nights of camping out in the backyard. It’s the perfect compromise of sleeping out under the stars, yet be close enough to a bathroom, kitchen, and a bed if it starts raining!

If you’ve never had a backyard campout it’s pretty simple to  — Read full post


Summer Exercising with DealDash

The summer is a great time to start your new exercise program. The weather is beautiful, let’s go outside with DealDash!

If you live in most parts of the US then you are used to cold, windy, snowy winters. Now that it’s beginning to feel like summer it’s a great time to get in some exercise while the weather is nice. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Swimming – Most people love to swim, and it’s a very good low-impact workout. Even if you are elderly or have trouble walking most people are still able to swim, float,  — Read full post


DealDash Cooks: Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake is my husband’s favorite dessert. Lucky for me strawberries are in season and are on sale everywhere.

Strawberry shortcake is not only delicious but also one of the lighter and marginally healthier desserts that you can have. There are a few different ways that you can make strawberry shortcake. The easiest way, of course, is to get the premade cake cups, fill with fresh strawberries, and put whipped cream on top. However, I feel this is the least delicious way to go, that making your own cake ensures that your strawberry shortcake comes out as delicious as possible. — Read full post