
DealDash Recipes: Baked Potato Chips

Who doesn’t love potato chips? Salty, crispy, potato-y goodness abounds! Unfortunately, traditional potato chips are full of fat, oils, and calories. Here’s a recipe for baked potato chips that is much lighter than the original.


  • 2 Russet potatoes
  • 1 Tbs olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper


  • Preheat the oven – 400 degrees is just right
  • Scrub the potatoes completely, rinse, and pat dry. Using an extremely sharp knife, Slice the potatoes very thin (about 1/8″ or thinner.)
  • Place potato slices in a large bowl and toss well until coated with olive oil, salt, and
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DealDash Talks: Bullies

I had an experience today with my daughter being bullied at the local indoor mall play area. Let’s look at bullying and how you can help.

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among people, typically school-aged children (but can continue into adulthood) that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying can be mental, such as making threats, spreading rumors, or physical such as attacking someone physically or excluding someone from a group on purpose. Obviously these are not good things for our children and grandchildren to be doing to each other, so what can we do to reduce the bullying? — Read full post


DealDash Health: Vitamins

Taking vitamins can be a great way to boost your health and well-being. Even if you eat your fruits and veggies you still might be missing some vital nutrients in your diet.

You need vitamins and minerals in any diet, and research from many various sources suggest that they may help prevent cancer and heart disease, and other less dire health problems such as anemia. You might think that you are getting all of the vitamins that you need from your food if you are eating a healthy diet, but you might not be getting enough.

Here are some  — Read full post


DealDash Builds a Better Office

Do you wish that you had a perfect office? Looking at pictures of offices online it seems that everyone works in an ideal space. Here are some ideas for making your personal office space more picture perfect.

If you have an office that you are currently in now – look around. What are some things that you love about your office, and what areas could use improvement? Sometimes all it takes to change something “OK” into something great is just a few small modifications.

Plants, plants, plants. If you don’t have any plant life in your office space, I advise  — Read full post


DealDash Pets: Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs are adorable and can make a great pet for kids and adults. They are fairly easy to take care of, and can be lots of fun.

Guinea pigs are cute, cuddly, easy to care for, soft, expressive, and even make little squeals of delight when they are happy. Guinea pigs are a compact pet, weighing only about 1.5 – 2.5 pounds when full-grown, and measuring between 8 – 10 inches in length. They typically live approximately four to five years, but it’s possible for them to live as long as eight years. Guinea pigs only need a few  — Read full post