
DealDash Helps: Decipher Food Labels

If you don’t have a degree in science or nutrition then you might find food labels a little difficult to understand. Let’s take a look.

When you’re at the supermarket trying to decide what to put in your cart it’s a little bit too late to be doing research on the subject of what’s the healthiest for you and your family. Here are some tricky food labels that you can figure out now and use your newfound knowledge later when you are shopping.

Whole Grain/Whole Wheat – Whole grain and whole wheat look and sound very similar, but are the  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Organize the Office

It’s irrelevant if you have a home office or an office away from home, life is easier when things are organized.

Here are a few ideas to get you thinking about organizing your office space while maximizing your work output. Let’s face it, when things are disorganized it’s hard to keep your focus on the tasks ahead of you. In this article we will look at some ways to keep the elements of your office organized.

What is the most common item to be messy in an office? Any guesses? It’s a bit old-fashioned these days, but it’s actually paper!  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Ease Anxiety

Are you one of the over 40 million Americans that have anxiety? Here are a few tips to help get a little relief.

Approximately 10% of Americans have an anxiety disorder. Luckily there are a few things that you can do to help yourself feel a little better. If none of these suggestions work for you then you should probably visit a doctor so you can get some help.

The most popular thing to ease anxiety is exercise! Luckily it doesn’t have to be strenuous, even just a brisk walk around the neighborhood or (even better) in a park or  — Read full post


DealDash Teaches: Bonsai Trees

Japanese Maple Bonsai

Just about everyone has heard of “Bonsai Trees,” and picture tiny little gnarled pine trees. Did you know that technically any tree can be a bonsai?

Bonsai is a Japanese term which, literally translated, means “planted in a container.” You can take any tree, plant it in a container, and technically it is a bonsai! Most people probably associate bonsai trees with Japan, but the practice actually was started in China, and Japan merely adopted the practice.

I have always been interested in bonsai trees, but I had never attempted to care for one until recently. In this article I  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Tiny Calorie Swaps

Most of us Americans could stand to lose a few pounds. Here are some handy tips on how to reduce your calories by making tiny lifestyle changes.

Are you a little overweight? Could you stand to lose just a few pounds? I know I could! Here are a few of the sneaky little ways that I have discovered to cut a few calories here and there throughout the day. If you save 10 calories here, and 20 calories there it doesn’t take long to add up to a fairly significant savings by the end of the day.

Swap your plate.  — Read full post