Deal Dash

3 Smart Questions To Ask Yourself Before Bidding

Make a Deal DashI love a deal and Deal Dash provides the opportunity for some fabulous ones.

Depending on the time when you obtain your bid pack you could pay as much as 60 cents per bid, as little as 15 cents per bid or or, even better, you could earn them for free. Let’s assume that you purchased 200 bids during a 15 cent sale at a cost of $30.00. You want to bid on a laptop cooling fan, that retails for $20.00. Before you go too far you would want to determine several additional factors.

  1. How much do I want to pay in the end?

  2. What would I consider a deal?

  3. How many bids am I willing to use?

This is Deal Dash after all and one of the main reasons you come to the website is to get deals.

If you use 100 bids, and win, you have used $15.00 in bids plus you have to pay the winner’s final sale price. Let’s say the fan sold for the final sale price of $2.95. Your total cost is $17.95. Yes, it is cheaper than what you would pay if you went to a retail outlet, it didn’t cost you shipping or gas, and hopefully you had a little fun playing too, but, do you feel you really got a bargain worth bragging about?

Now, let’s assume that the bids you had were free bids that you had earned. You opted to work with some of those bids to bid on the lap top cooling fan. You were the winner and the final sale price was $2.95. Your total cost is $2.95. Now that is a deal!

PS: If you really wanted a deal that can’t be beat, use the free bids you have earned to bid during times when Deal Dash offers specials where you only pay 50% or when they offer free win days. Free days are when you only pay a 1-cent transaction fee and Deal Dash sends the winner their product for free.