Most Cost Friendly Penny Auction Site
As I wait for the little winning limit bars to fade again so I can start bidding on DealDash for the items valued under $200, I can’t resist the urge to bid on other non cost friendly penny auction sites to try my luck.
I continue to go back checking to see if my winning limit bars on DealDash, what I consider to be the most cost friendly penny auction site, are all full or if I have made a mistake and those six auction wins really did not happen!
I have written enough about DealDash to convince everyone including myself that is the most fair, customer and cost friendly awesome penny auction site out there on the internet, yet I can’t resist the urge to try. I have often found that the other auction sites charge way more per bid (up to 80 cents on some sites) and the shipping costs can be as high as $3.99 on a simple gift card. Add these expenses to the buy it now option that does NOT include getting your bids back, and you have to wonder why anyone would bid on any other site than DealDash. Even though I am tempted to try my luck on the less user and cost friendly penny auction sites, all of my experiences have proven that DealDash is the place for me and my bidding dollars.
So, I watch the auctions and bidders to see how the auctions are running. I wait and consider all of the items I will bid on when the time is right and count on what I have learned to be successful 6 MORE times! Love and all it has to offer. Fast, free shipping, excellent customer service and a great variety of items to bid on. DealDash is the most cost friendly penny auction site there is.
Have to go, my bars are clear!!!
By Joan Vith