responsible bidding

Responsible Bidding is Very Important

Responsible bidding and stocking up on bids is the best strategy for any and all DealDash members.

When you live on a fixed income, like so many of us do, having responsible bidding guidelines and a good stock of bids will keep you in the game and allow you to win auctions at great discounts!

At least for me and I also believe this applies to other DealDash members, buying Bids isn’t always within “the budget”. Many times an item has come up for auction and you don’t have the funds to buy Bids in order to participate. Also, I may have not thought to buy Bids when I did have the funds…so unfortunately I may missed out on some auctions which I really.. REALLY.. wanted to bid on.

One time, and I’m making sure to keep it to this one time, I was even foolish enough and over drafted my bank account to buy bids. Was it worth it? Was this responsible bidding? Well.. I WON that auction so I was a very happy person, however I really don’t recommend doing this as it is NOT responsible bidding. Stay smart and read some of these DealDash Responsible Bidding Tips. Responsible bidding is a key to having a good experience on DealDash so make sure you take the time and learn responsible bidding methods. Here are some more responsible bidding tips.

Related: How I’ve Become A More Responsible Player With Self-Control

I have learned to buy bids when I can afford them. Even when there are no auctions that interest me at the time. Bidding can be exciting but responsible bidding is more fun! I now only bid when I can afford to purchase bids, have purchased Bids in advance, have been lucky enough to win Bid Packs or use the Buy it Now to get my bids back in case I lose the auction; so long as I can afford to Buy it Now which I determine in advance. So the moral of the responsible bidding story is to “Buy and Bid smart” on  This will give you the best experience you can have and you’ll likely end up a happy customers for many years to come like I am.

By Suvgal

responsible bidding