My First Year DealDash Review
I joined DealDash in September 2012. A friend told me about another penny auction site that I tried for a bit, but did not like, so I used the internet to check out some others. I tried a few of them briefly, but was never impressed. Then, I saw and tried DealDash and truly liked it from the start. I read all the instructions, reviews, and watched some auctions before I tried it. After playing for a while, I discovered that if I had a question or a problem, the Support Team was always there … that REALLY impressed me! I started with small inexpensive items and did pretty well. As I graduated to larger auctions, I was successful and began the quest to try to do all my 2012 Christmas shopping on DealDash. I finished all of my shopping before Thanksgiving!!! Most of the gifts were impressive and on the expensive side. I purchased everything for pennies on the dollar with free shipping.
After shopping for everyone else, and with several large Amazon cards I won, I was able to purchase a quality bicycle for my husband and a cool tricycle for myself. I also won 2 Nikon cameras, 2 laptops, a Samsung cell phone, 2 Samsung tablets, 3 Dr. Dr headphones, a 45” HDTV, a sewing machine, a pressure cleaner, kitchen appliances, linens, toys, and gift cards galore!!! I now have all the electronics and gadgets I need.
And just recently I won the “Best Photo of the Week” prize from DealDash and chose to receive a $500 Amazon Gift Card. In addition, I received 200 free bids for the initial posting of the photo on the DealDash Facebook page!!!! Summary: I used 540 bids at 15 cents each, received 200 bids back for posting the photo, won the $500 gift card, and paid $23.48 for the win … that is a net profit of $698 !!!
I volunteer with a local animal rescue operation, and so I’m always looking after animals that need a little extra help. That card will buy a LOT of vitamins, supplements, supplies, food, and litter for these abandoned, abused, and neglected babies.
I am an extremely satisfied DealDash customer. The savings are amazing, the support is amazing, and I see myself as being a DealDash customer for life
PS: I have a little hint for folks who might like to know for sure when a UPS package is being delivered. Sign up for UPS My Choice. You will know exactly when a package is being delivered and then sent a message after it is put on your front porch! You can even have them hold a package or re-route a package.