Cost to bid on DealDash
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Cost to Purchase Buying Power on DealDash

So you’ve looked over the DealDash site and found a number of items that interest you. You’ve decided which one you are going to focus on, how much you are willing to pay for that item and are planning on sticking to that budget. Have you bought your bids yet? What was the cost or how much did you pay for them?

My advice is “don’t buy bids at full price unless you absolutely cannot avoid it”. In my opinion, if you paid full price for them, you did not make an educated decision and here’s why I say this.  — Read full post

Bidding Strategies of DealDash

Bidding Strategies and 2+ years DealDash Experience

In the past almost 2 years, I have tried all sorts of bidding strategies to determine the best way and the best times to bid.

I literally must have read every tip and all bidding strategies available. However, I have never seen anyone else talk about the bidding strategies of seasonal bidding. I was looking around my backyard, patio, and pool the other day and realized that I have a great many DealDash items out there …. AND … I got practically all if them in the fall and winter!!!

CAUTION: A dozen auction wins ahead…

  1. Swimways Newporter Pool Lounger
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Free Auction Win on DealDash

Free Auction Wins and Promotions

I was hoping and praying for a win recently during one of the free auction times, a time when if you win an auction, all you pay is the 1-cent transactional fee and Deal Dash pays the winning bid amount.

Sadly, I did not win the item that was being auctioned at that time and even though I lost the free auction item, I do not consider my efforts a total loss.

I was using bids that I had earned from prior auction efforts when I filled the bid meter. The free auction bidding session was taking place during one  — Read full post

DealDash Christmas
Home Review

Christmas Is Four Months Away

I know we are still four months away from Christmas but I am starting my DealDash Christmas shopping now!

I need to stretch my gifts budget as far as I can so before the Christmas shopping rush gets too overwhelming, I’m stocking up on my stocking stuffers and gifts. 

My oldest daughter is married and they live on the income her husband makes as the sole bread winner. I know they need household items, including furniture, so I scanned the pages of DealDash auctions in hopes to find something suitable I could win and gift to them. I saw an  — Read full post

DealDash Username
Home Review

DealDash Username – What Does It Say About You?

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is a commonly quoted part of a dialogue in William Shakespeare‘s play Romeo and Juliet. This got me thinking about my DealDash username.

What’s Your DealDash username and what does it say about you? Is it tricky? Is it threatening? Is it cute? Or, is your DealDash username just your name spelled out a bit differently? On there are over 4,000,000 registered users all with unique DealDash usernames. Think about the different usernames we have to come up with in order to be unique or different!

Some  — Read full post