
DealDash Still Exercises in Winter

The weather might be getting cooler by the day, but we still need to exercise. There are plenty of options, let’s explore!

Great Ways to Do Exercises During Winter

Winter can be a difficult time to stay active. The cold weather and shorter days make it tempting to curl up on the couch and binge-watch your favorite show. However, there are actually many ways to do exercises during the winter months. One option is to take advantage of the winter wonderland by going for a hike or a walk in the snow. Not only will you get some fresh air,  — Read full post


DealDash Gentle Exercise Low-Impact Workouts

Now is an excellent time to start a low-impact, gentle exercise routine. Why delay? Get out there!

When it comes to exercise, there are a lot of different options to choose from. If you’re looking for something low-impact, gentle, and easy, then you should try out some of the workouts we’ll discuss in this blog post! These exercises are perfect for people who are just starting out with exercise, or for those who are a little older and need a slower-paced routine. Keep reading to learn more about these easy workout suggestions, from DealDash.

Gentle Exercise #1 – Swimming

First,  — Read full post


DealDash Guide: Keep Fit in Winter

Just because it’s snowy, windy, and cold doesn’t mean that you can’t keep fit. Embrace the chill and get fit!

The winter months can be a difficult time for many people. It’s cold and dark outside, and it seems like there is nothing to do. Well, that couldn’t be farther from the truth! There are plenty of ways for you to stay fit when it’s cold outside. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how you can get in shape during these winter months. DealDash is here to assist you with some ideas you can try out  — Read full post


DealDash Fitness Fun in Summer

Summer is the perfect time to get fit! It might sound a little daunting at first, but DealDash can help.

With summer halfway done, a lot of people are thinking about how to get in shape. Here’s your chance! Don’t waste it! DealDash has some tips on getting fit and staying healthy this season- so read up before you dive into that pool or enjoy those long days at the park with friends. Here are a few tips to help you start your fitness journey, from DealDash.

Games are Perfect for Fitness Fun

To get started, summer is a time  — Read full post

Fitness Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Teaching Healthy Habits

Everyone wants their kids to grow up to healthy adults. Teaching them healthy habits when they are young is a great start.

No one wants their kids to grow up to be unhealthy. Teaching your kids healthy habits will help them become healthier adults. Remember, you are your kid’s greatest source of inspiration, even if they would never admit it! Here are some suggestions from DealDash when you are looking impart healthy habits into your children for the good of their future.

Make Drinking Water a Healthy Habit

Just for starters, a very healthy habit to help your children develop  — Read full post