Online Auctions vs DealDash
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Online Auctions vs. DealDash

This year is my third year of bidding on online auctions. I began like many others with a few sites I really liked, a few that were not very good, and others that were outright bad news.

Being fairly new to online auctions I was not sure what I needed to look for or what my expectations were. Winning was the goal, of course, but being a winner beyond the “Beginner” stage where winning was pretty much a given took a lot of perseverance and money to become a winner with any consistency.

I began the process of elimination where  — Read full post

Tide Pods
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Ways to Save with Tide Pods

When you shop on DealDash nearly every day like I do, you will see many of the same items come up several times during the day and night. Tide Pods are one of those useful items.

Since my friend started using the Tide Pods she claims to be saving a lot of money since she is no longer doing a “free pour” from the Tide liquid jugs.  The Tide Pods are single use detergent and whitener all in one. They are convenient to use, and end up saving you money while using a quality product like Tide.  Who doesn’t  — Read full post

ladies mountain bike
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How DealDash is Helping my Weight Loss Goal

So after a very long year of winning for everyone else I decided to attempt to win something for myself. Not very often do I even try to win for myself but this was different, I have a weight loss goal.

During 2015 I’ve made a weight loss goal to drop 10 pounds. As this thought comes to mind I just so happened to see a awesome mountain bike coming up on DealDash and thought to my self….. what the heck!!! If it is meant to be, it will be!

This bike is awesome and a great push for both
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Donate and bless others
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Donate and Give Blessings

Now that the Christmas shopping season has come and gone, what do we need DealDash for? My advice is to get deals all year round, don’t be that last minute shopper, and donate to bless others.

Last year I was actually done with all of the stress of Christmas shopping by July. I don’t know of many folks that could say they were done with all of there Christmas shopping by July, but I was. This made this past Christmas so much fun because I had so many extra winnings I could not give them all to my kids. I
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dealdash beauty skin care
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Nurture Your Health and Beauty

I love so many things about DealDash, and one of my favorite things to browse for on DealDash is Health and Beauty products.

If you have a certain item in mind you can search for it, but my favorite way of seeing what new things DealDash has to offer beauty-wise to to browse the Fashion, Health and Beauty category, which can be found on the drop-down menu on the left side of the DealDash homepage.

I really like using the browse feature of DealDash, it helps me discover new items to bid on that I might not have thought to  — Read full post