Deal Dashing Auctions
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Dashing through the auctions

With a bushel full of bids

O’er the hills we go

Laughing as we get the win!


Bids on sleds, and dolls

Bids on cards and bikes

Oh what fun it is to watch

Your favorite bidding site!


DealDash, DealDash

Bidding all the way

Oh what fun it is to bid

On a dark and snowy day!


DealDash, DealDash

Bidding all the way

Oh what fun it is to win

The auction I’ve been on today!

Deal Dashing Auctions

Sing or hum this to the Jingle Bells tune. Sometimes we can use a little song to  — Read full post

challenges of winning penny auctions
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Challenges of Winning Penny Auctions

While the challenges of winning penny auctions has always been one of the reasons we bid, I find it’s the uneducated bidders who make the auction winning the most challenging.

Meeting the challenges requires bidders to be more informed than ever to win. How do we meet these challenges of winning penny auctions while still maintaining our bidding budget? This is the dilemma. While the Buy it Now option which DealDash offers is the best of any other penny auction site, no one really wants to buy it now 10 times more often than winning.

My best advice to keep  — Read full post

DealDash Best Photo of the Week
Bidding Tips Featured Home Review

How to Get Free Bids on DealDash

Do you like FREE BIDS??? Did you know DealDash gives out THOUSANDS of free bids each and every week!!!

All you have to do is win a auction to be able to collect free bids and in this article i’m going to tell you how to do that. I believe in making the most out of every item I win and this makes me very successful when playing DealDash. My wins are sweeter and my losses don’t sting as bad because of all of the money I’m saving when I play.

First things first, you have to snag the win.
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Gift Cards for Traveling Can Help
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How DealDash Helped Me “Deal” With a Tragedy


Normally I bid on DealDash just for fun, it’s something to keep me occupied while I am home with the kids during the day. It’s such a great feeling to see those fireworks and “Congratulations, LandOfNope!” across the screen.

I bid and WIN and BIN a good amount of gift cards. I WIN and BIN them for my own daily use, to save for the upcoming Christmas season, and also as little “tips” for my mailman, lawn guy, etc.

I have a pretty good stock of gas cards, department store cards, and of course restaurant cards which came in  — Read full post

high-value auctions
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How to Win High-Value Auctions

If I cannot afford to Buy-It-Now, I seldom bid on high-value auctions because I know I will have to let it go and lose all my bids if I do not win.

I’ve been shopping and bidding on DealDash since I joined on February 8, 2012. Here are a few of the high-value auctions I’ve won and some tips on how I did it so that you can hopefully win some high-value auctions too!

high-value auctions

By looking at my list, I can see that most of my best high-value auction wins closed in the early part of the auction and did  — Read full post