Home Kids and Parenting

Redecorate a Bedroom for Tweens With DealDash

Come check out the finds on DealDash.com!

Kids grow up fast, has your little kid become a tween? Let DealDash give you some suggestions on how to redecorate their bedroom.

A tween is an older child that isn’t quite a teenager yet – they are beTWEEN being a kid and a teen. When we think about redecorating your tween’s bedroom, they are probably tired of the cutesy decorations. However, they aren’t quite old enough to be interested in a more sophisticated style, either. DealDash will help you redecorate the bedroom.

What Are Their Interests?

To begin with, the first thing that you should do before you redecorate  — Read full post

Fitness Health Home

Turn a Room into a Home Gym with DealDash


These days, everyone is trying to stay at home more often. DealDash is here to give you some suggestions on turning a room into a home gym.

Having a home gym in these times can be very beneficial. Many gyms have closed their doors or have limited hours and capacity. Avoid all of that by turning a room in your home into a gym. Here are some ideas from DealDash to get you started. 

Choose a Spot

Firstly, you have to find the best spot in your home to get started. Some people like to choose a basement due to  — Read full post


Working From Home? DealDash Has Office Essentials!


If you’re still working from home, you might have realized that you are missing some essential office items. Read this new article to find out about office essentials on DealDash.

When many people first began working from home back in March, we all thought that it was going to be a short-term experience. However, lots of people are still working from home, and many still don’t have the proper office equipment they need. If your job has provided everything, great! However, if you are working with the bare minimum, you need to read this article from DealDash.

Office Chairs on

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Home Kids and Parenting

DealDash Redecorates a Gender Neutral Child’s Room


If your child is ready to upgrade their bedroom, it’s easy. Let DealDash help you decorate their new room.

Redecorating your child’s bedroom doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be fun for both of you. Be sure to talk to them beforehand and get some input from them. Ask them what colors they might like to paint the room, and if they would like a theme. If they want a theme, then you need to read this article from DealDash.

Animal Friends for All, DealDash Can Help

To begin with, I know that sometimes there just aren’t enough  — Read full post

Home Outdoors

DealDash Family Guide to Outside Chores


Now is the time that there are tons of outside chores. DealDash has some suggestions to help include the whole family.

Summer is the season where there are many outdoor chores that need to be done. While the kids get to have fun outside, it’s important that you don’t forget all of the chores that come with the temperature rising. The good news is that you can get everyone to help. Follow these tips from DealDash to get everyone involved.

Lawn Care for Everyone

When I say lawn care, you probably assume I mean cutting grass and edging. While those  — Read full post