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DealDash Kids: Encouraging a Love for Reading 


My kids love reading, and I hope yours do, too. If not, here are some helpful suggestions from DealDash to encourage their love for reading.

In today’s age, it’s easy for kids to be too involved with their TV and their video games. It’s important to try to build your child’s interest in reading. It can help with learning, problem-solving, and building imagination and creativity. Read these helpful suggestions from DealDash to get you started.

Read to Them Daily at a Young Age

First, the best way to instill reading in young children is to start reading them stories at

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DealDash Home: Prep Your Home for Chilly Weather


Most houses need some winter prep. Read these suggestions from DealDash to get some ideas.

As the temperatures drop and the leaves start to fall, it’s time to prepare for winter. Winter preparations aren’t especially difficult but can take some time. Read this article, and you will get some ideas on how to do winter prep on your home, from DealDash.

Change Your Detector Batteries

First, when you’re looking to keep your home safe, you start indoors. Let’s start by looking at your interior. You should check the detectors in your home. Whether it’s a smoke or carbon monoxide, you  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing Home

DealDash Conquers Playroom Organization


Keeping the playroom neat and clean can be tricky. Here are some ideas from DealDash to help.

It can be difficult to keep any room organized but knowing that your children are going to pull a toy out only to play with it for 5 minutes and move on to the next can be maddening. If your kids are school-age they can be a big part of the cleaning and organization. Here are some suggestions from DealDash to make (and keep) the playroom clean.

Get some help

Firstly, kids love to play games. Set up your playroom so that cleaning  — Read full post


DealDash Decorates for Thanksgiving


Hosting Thanksgiving means a few decorations are in order. Here are some ideas from DealDash to make your home more festive for the feast.

Thanksgiving is on its way, and it is time to get ready for a feast. When you think of Thanksgiving, you think of gathering around the table with your family for a hearty meal and good conversation. It takes a lot to prepare for Thanksgiving. You want to make sure that your house is prepared for the festivities. Here are 3 Thanksgiving decoration ideas that will help you set the mood for Thanksgiving dinner, from DealDash. — Read full post


DealDash’s Festive Home Décor Tips for the Fall


Fall is my favorite season, and there are some great home decor options for autumn. DealDash can help you decorate, read this article and find out how.

The fall is almost here, and stores are releasing new home décor for your house. One of the best ways to transition from summer to fall is to decorate your home with festive fall décor. You can transform your house into another season. Not only is decorating for the fall fun, but you can also show off your style. Here are 3 festive home décor tips for the fall, from DealDash.

Candles (DealDash

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