
DealDash Helps You Be More Outgoing

dealdash outgoing

As I have gotten older it seems that I run into more and more people that are shy. That’s fine if you are happy, but if you would like to be more outgoing let DealDash help.

Many people have mentioned to me that they would like to make YouTube videos like I do, or they would like to make presentations or teach a class, but they are too shy to do these things. They have often asked me how they can get over their shyness and become more outgoing. Here are some ideas from DealDash.

Dress Confidently

It seems that  — Read full post


Habits to Cultivate to Be More Creative

DealDash Creative

Many creative people have certain habits in common. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to cultivate these habits.

People tend to be either born creative – or not very creative. However, if you can attempt to cultivate some of these habits of creative people you will start thinging of yourself as a creative person. As with many other things in life, just try to “fake it til you make it!” Being born creative means nothing without persistence, hard work, and effort. Try to incorporate these habits to help turn creativity into your daily routine. Here are some ideas  — Read full post


DealDash Plays Indoor Sports for Kids

dealdash indoor games

Having little kids is exhausting. Here are some more fun indoor sports you can play to tire them out.

By this time everyone probably knows that I have three little kids, two of which are a handful! There are a few upcoming days off of school before February Vacation starts later on in the month, so I am trying to be prepared. Here are a few fun indoor sports ideas that I have come up with to keep the kids busy. If you’re a busy parent or grandparent, you’ll want to try these, too. Let DealDash show you some tips  — Read full post


DealDash Likes Coconut Oil



Coconut oil is a very healthy and useful product. It can be used for many things. Let DealDash give you an overview.

Using coconut oil seems to have gained popularity in the past 5 years or so. It’s a very healthy oil that is high in natural saturated fats. Saturated fats might sound bad, but it actually increases the healthy cholesterol (known as HDL) in your body, but also helps to convert the LDL “bad” cholesterol into good cholesterols. Here are some of the many benefits and uses of coconut oil.

Lose Weight

They say that you can lose

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DealDash Helps You Overcome Failures

dealdash failures

Having failures in your life is just part of being human. How you overcome those failures can make a real difference. Let DealDash help.

When is the last time that you had a failure in life? Maybe it was not getting that job that you wanted, or perhaps making a mistake that cost you a friendship. You could just give up when you have a failure, or you can get right up, brush yourself off, and try again. Let DedalDash give you some tips on how to overcome your failures.

Get Emotional

Many adults are told to not express their  — Read full post