
DealDash Saves on Your Grocery Bill

Image result for save money groceries

DealDash likes to save you money on everything from electronics to baby toys, why not food? Here are some money-saving ideas for the supermarket.

Your grocery bill is probably one of your biggest household expenses each month, after your rent or mortgage and car payments. Luckily it’s also one of the easiest to cut down because you can always save a little here and a little there without feeling too much of a budget crunch. Here are some tips from DealDash to save money on your grocery bills.

Savings Start at Home

It’s true, saving money starts before you even  — Read full post


DealDash Drinks More Water

DealDash Drinks Water

Drinking more water is always on my list of “Healthy Tips.” How can you incorporate more water into your daily routine? Read on…

Drinking water is such an important part of having a good healthy body. No matter what the DealDash blog topic, be it weight loss, getting healthy, or even cooking – water always tops the list as the best. Here are some easy tips on how to get more water into your diet.

Get an App

Yes, there’s an app for that! There are actually many apps that are specifically made to help you remember to drink more  — Read full post


DealDash Reviews: 2016

Image result for 2017

Happy 2017, from DealDash. 2017 is here, let’s take a look at the highlights of 2016.

Some people have called 2016 the worst year ever, but as an optimist, I like to try to find the silver lining on the raincloud. Here are some fun and interesting things that happened in 2016, from DealDash Reviews.


After decades, Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar. It was a win for Leo fans everywhere. He won Best Actor for his film The Revenant. Did he thank the bear in his speech? He definitely should have thanked the bear in his speech! — Read full post


DealDash Likes Cheap Travel

DealDash Budget Travel

Now’s the time to think about booking Spring travel. Here are some handy tips from DealDash to travel on the cheap.

Travel can be fun, exciting, interesting, educational, and expensive. If you’re a fan of DealDash, then you must love to save money! Travel, especially within the US, definitely doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Here are some tips on how to save some cash when you want to travel.

Book Early

You can get a much better deal if you book early, and you also have the added benefit of being able to choose from  — Read full post


DealDash Fun Winter Facts

DealDash winter facts

Love it or hate it, winter is an interesting season. Here are some fun facts about winter from DealDash.

Are you the sort of person that embraces the winter season? Do you love to get into your winter gear and go frolic in the snow? Or are you the sort of person who would rather huddle under the covers and wait for winter to end? No matter if winter is your most or least favorite season, here are some fun winter facts from DealDash.

Huge Snowflakes, Huge Snowmen

According to the Guinness World Records, on January 28, 1887, a  — Read full post