Customer Service DealDash

Customer Service Experience – How DealDash Does It

Have you ever had an experience of great customer service and told others about it? How about awful customer service? Have you told others about it? The answer to both questions, of course, is “Yes!”

I had a customer service experience at a local grocery store/pharmacy many years ago and have repeated the horror story so many times, it seems like yesterday. The experience for me was so horrible that I have never set foot in that store again. It is a good store, has lots to offer, decent prices, and awesome produce, but my treatment at Customer Service was so bad that I swore I would never go back and I have not.

Now, on the flip side of this is customer service that is so good, so respectful, and so timely that you can’t help talking about the experience either. I have had occasion several times to contact customer service at and the results have always been surprising.

I had been bidding on another penny auction site and the customer service had gotten to the point that you would dread contacting them.

  1. No one answered the phone, so you left a message.
  2. Your call was never returned.
  3. You contacted them by email and you never got a response except for an acknowledgement that they had received a query.
  4. It got so bad that if you contacted them with a complaint the person you did get to speak to came very close to suggesting you were lying about your concern.

At, whenever and for whatever reason I have had to contact someone I have been treated with respect, kindness, and concern. I witnessed what I supposed to be an advertisement for someone’s on line business on the bio of a bidder, within a few minutes the bio had been removed. I contacted customer service for what I took as a nearly obscene user name, it was gone within minutes. When shipping became very slow one Christmas season, DealDash apologized often and promised it was going to improve. Guess what? It DID. Within a few weeks, the shipping was fast as ever, and we all received our items. I contacted customer service because I had put the wrong state on my order for a recent win. I was so upset, it was clearly my fault. The customer service person told me the item had already been shipped with the wrong state printed, but I should call them back if I did not get my item. In two days, I received my item even though the state was wrong. I did not call customer service back to let them know I had received my card. Shame on me. THEY called me!! Who does that??

DealDash, they really care about their customers. If you truly want to bid on a penny auction site that listens and tries to help their customers, is your site. It is definitely mine!

By Joan Vith

Related: Why DealDash Customer Service Is The Best

Customer Service DealDash