DealDash Preps for Back-to-School 2024

Don’t worry, there are still a few precious weeks of summer remaining. However, it’s time to begin preparing for the upcoming school year.

As the summer is winding down, many parents feel mixed emotions. The days of impromptu long weekend trips and relaxed schedules are ending, and it’s time to start thinking about the school year ahead. While it’s hard to let go of the summer fun, there’s a sense of urgency to get everything in order for the kids’ return to school. This is especially true if you are a bit of a procrastinator like myself. From buying supplies to organizing routines, parents need to start shifting their focus soon to ensure their children are prepared and ready to begin the new school year. Keep reading for some helpful suggestions from DealDash to get the process started.

Create a Back-to-School Checklist

Start by making a comprehensive checklist of everything your kids will need before the first day. This list can include school supplies, uniforms or outfits, backpacks, lunch boxes, and any other essentials. Having everything organized in advance can help reduce stress and ensure that you’re not scrambling at the last minute. Many districts have supply lists posted on their websites. However, if you can’t find it, you can check out a site called Teacher Lists. You can search by state and zip code to find the exact supply list you need.

Establish a Routine

Summer schedules are typically more relaxed, so it’s important to gradually ease back into a school routine. Start by setting regular wake-up and bedtime hours a couple of weeks before the big day. This will help adjust your kid’s internal clock and make the first week of school less of a shock. Incorporating a morning routine, including breakfast and getting ready, can also help set a positive tone for the day.

To be honest with you, my 12-year-old and I have been getting into a bad habit – watching a movie every night after my 8-year-old goes to bed. This means that we don’t get to bed until midnight some nights! It’s been a lot of fun, but it’s going to be difficult to get her back into an earlier bedtime.

Set Goals for the Year

Setting clear, achievable goals for the school year can help your family stay focused and motivated. Whether it’s improving grades, joining a new club, or developing better study habits, having specific objectives will give your kids something to strive for. Write down specific goals and break them into smaller, actionable steps to track progress throughout the year.

DealDash Has Items for School and Play

Since DealDash has fast and free shipping on all items, you still have plenty of time to get things your kids need for school. It doesn’t matter how old your kids (or grandkids!) are, you will find plenty of useful items for school on DealDash. For babies and toddlers, you will find Montessori learning toy bundles. If your kids are elementary-aged, you can bid on backpacks and kits to learn how to play the keyboard. Middle and high school students will love the Chromebooks and laptops in the ‘Electronics and Computers’ category. No matter what age you’re shopping for, DealDash has plenty of items for everyone!

Thanks for Reading

There’s no need to get stressed out, the transition from summer to the school year is easy with a little planning. With a bit of preparation and a positive attitude, you can start the year off on the right foot. Remember, the key is to stay organized, set goals, establish a routine, and get your educational items on DealDash. Here’s to a successful and smooth transition back to school. Thanks so much for reading, and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.