DealDash Helps: Improve Concentration at Work

DealDash concenration

Everyone needs to concentrate during the day. Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to help improve your concentration.

Some people have an easier time with concentration than others. However, during the work day concentration is key, especially if you have a job that requires you to be responsible for others’ safety. With all of today’s distractions sometimes it’s hard to maintain concentration. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Ditch the Clutter

Do you have a lot of clutter in your workspace? Try spending the last 10 minutes of your workday cleaning and organizing your workspace. This will be beneficial to you in a few ways. First, it will help you to start each day with a clean slate to work with. Next, it will let you focus on your work during the day instead of getting distracted. Finally, it will help you stay clean and organized if you do this daily.

Put Yourself in “Smartphone Jail”

When you arrive at work in the morning, turn your phone on silent, and place it either face down on your desk, in a drawer, or in a briefcase, purse, or in a pocket. Give yourself designated 5-minute phone breaks throughout the day to check your texts, Facebook, and other messages.

Use a timer app to ensure that you don’t get distracted and go over the 5-minute break time limit. Unless someone is in dire need of help, they can wait until your next 5-minute phone break to respond to them. Once you have freed yourself from the constant dings and notifications you will have much better concentration during your workday.

Do the Hardest Tasks First

If your job requires you to do tasks that have different levels of concentration, do the most difficult ones first. You will likely have the most mental energy at the beginning of your work day, so get the hard stuff done first. Once you have gotten your most dreaded tasks out of the way, then you can cruise on auto-pilot for a while and do your tasks that don’t require quite as much concentration.

If you’re working in an environment where you don’t have total control over when you do certain tasks, then it’s going to be more difficult for you. Be sure to take those 5-minute phone, coffee, or relaxation breaks that we talked about above. It will give your brain a chance to recharge and prepare for the next task ahead.

Thanks for Reading

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Ready to take a break at work? Check  DealDash for candles, art, computer supplies, and more. DealDash has all of the items that you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.