DealDash – Maintaining Your Radiant Beauty

dealdash beauty skin care

Taking good care of your body and skin is important. Here are some of DealDash’s best tips to maintain your body and skin.

Taking good care of your health, body, and skin is very important, especially as we age. It isn’t as simple as just washing your face, there’s more to it than that. Here are some top tips for maintaining your radiant beauty from DealDash.

5 Simple Tips

Here are five of the best simple tips and activities to keep your natural beauty fresh and radiant at any age:

  1. Sleep

You don’t have to stay up late, you’re not missing anything. We have all heard about “beauty sleep”, and I have to say this is by no means just a saying. There are studies that show that sleeping reduces wrinkles, makes your eyes less puffy, and gives you a glowing complexion.

  1.  Running

What other exercise, if not running, gives the most benefits? From a healthier heart to lower stress levels, running will always be one of the main activities to lose weight and tone your body.

  1. Water

Recently, there have been many studies involving water and overall beauty. It has been shown that enough H2O makes your skin glow and clears acne. The studies also show a reduction in hair loss and makes the nails stronger.

  1.  Food Selection

You’ve heard the saying “we are what we eat”, and it couldn’t be more true nowadays when we are inundated with so many types of food. Though fruits are healthy, don’t drink too many citrus juices that might damage your teeth. Grapefruit and lemon juice are well-known enamel enemies. Make strawberries part of your daily life. The Vitamin C helps to build up collagen which reduces the wrinkles. Surprisingly enough, strawberries can actually help whiten your teeth!

  1.  Wash your hair less often

Dermatologists all around the world know that shampooing too often can lead to hair loss and it can damage the health of your hair. Remember: everything that is done too often or used too much can cause damage to your body.

If you’re a little more concerned with makeup than skin care, here’s an extra tip:

Use the Right Tools for the Job

You can have the best eyeshadow money can buy, the world’s most luxurious foundation, or a bronzer straight from the cosmetic bag of a supermodel. But if you don’t have the right tools to apply them, their benefits will be lost. You might as well be applying makeup from the dollar store!

What constitutes the “right” tools? Brushes should be soft and feel gentle on the skin, but also have substance to them so the product can be easily applied to the surface of your skin. If you dip a brush in shadow or blush and the color falls off before you make it to your face, that’s a bad brush, experts say.

Thanks for Reading

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Now that you have pampering on your mind be sure to go check DealDash for candles, styling products, jewelry, and more. DealDash has all of the items that you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash beauty

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.