DealDash Prepares Your Skin for Makeup


Your beautiful skin is perfect just how it is – but sometimes it’s fun to wear makeup. Here are some tips for preparing skin for makeup from DealDash.

Firstly, I realize that makeup isn’t for everyone, but sometimes it’s fun to try out new looks. Before you put your makeup on, however, it’s important to make sure that your skin is clean and healthy before you put lots of extra things on it. In addition to being your faithful DealDash blogger, I am also a certified aesthetician, so I am well-versed in this area. Read on for more information.

Cleanse Your Face

Before putting anything on your skin you’ll want to cleanse it. You don’t need to buy any fancy or expensive cleansers. You just want to make sure that you are not using bar soap to cleanse your skin. This will dry it out very quickly. Go to your local big box store, supermarket, or pharmacy and pick any cleanser that claims to be gentle or for sensitive skin. You’ll want to use this daily, so make sure that you like the smell of it before you buy it.

Use a Gentle Facial Scrub

If you’re using the classic “Apricot” or “Walnut Shell” exfoliating scrub I would throw it away. Those are very harsh on your skin and can cause micro-abrasions in your skin. Pick out (or make!) a facial sugar scrub. These are much more gentle and very effective. I would suggest using a sugar scrub 2-3 times per week.

Use a Facial Serum

A serum is basically a vitamin for your face. They come in many different types such as anti-aging, Vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid. These are a liquidy and lightweight formula that deeply penetrates the skin. These are not a replacement for a regular moisturizer, they go on before a moisturizer and are not typically used daily.

Moisturize, Daily and Nightly

Ideally, you will use two moisturizers – a lightweight daytime one with SPF 30 and a nighttime one that is thicker. If you’re on a tight budget and only want to purchase one, then I would go with a non-SPF medium-weight moisturizer. Do keep in mind, though, that if you are going to be out in the sun you need to apply an SPF to stay safe.

Use a Makeup Primer

Finally, the final step before applying makeup is to use a primer. A primer is a clear gel substance that fills in the tiny imperfections in the skin to make it appear smoother. It’s just a temporary solution, but it will make your makeup look flawless! Make sure that the one you get is dimethicone-based, as these have the best results. After applying your makeup primer you’re free to apply your makeup and enjoy the benefits of beautiful, healthy skin.

Thanks for Reading

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Read this to learn more about skin care. Check DealDash for beauty items. DealDash has everything. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this blog article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.