DealDash’s September Self-Care Suggestions

There’s no time like the present to enjoy some self-care. Use these suggestions to perfect your September self-care experience.

As September comes, the leaves start to change color, and the air is cool and invigorating for the body. With this, we can feel summer ending and fall beginning. This change in season reminds us to take care of ourselves, both mind and body. Just like nature gets ready for colder weather, we need to adjust our self-care habits too. Let’s look at how we can do this easily. Keep reading for some helpful suggestions from DealDash.

Fall Skincare Routines

Summer, while amazing, can be harsh on our skin with its intense sun and sweat. Fall demands a change in your skincare routine. Switch to a more hydrating moisturizer to combat the drying effects of cooler air. If you’ve been using a lightweight serum and moisturizer, consider adding a richer, thicker night cream to your regimen. Keep the serum, but swap out the light moisturizer for the thick cream. Don’t forget the sunscreen, though! The sun can still cause damage even through the cloudy days of fall. The easiest way to make sure you remember your sunscreen even in cloudy fall weather is by using a moisturizer with SPF.

Comforting Reads for Longer Nights

There’s a reason why autumn is associated with books and hot beverages. As the days shorten, and the nights grow longer, it’s a perfect time to get lost in a new story. Whether it’s a thriller, a historical piece, or a romance novel, find a book you can curl up with. Not only does reading reduce stress, but it’s also a way to travel without leaving the comfort of your blanket. Add in a crackling fireplace and a soft cat on your lap, and you have the perfect fall evening. Spending plenty of fall evenings like this can help you relax and destress.

Transitioning Routines

Summer might have been about late nights and spontaneous trips, but fall brings a sense of structure. If you’ve been neglecting meditation or morning stretches, now’s the time to reintroduce them. Consider setting a bedtime routine that includes calming teas, journaling, or light reading to improve sleep quality. Be sure to stop using all electronic devices an hour before bedtime. This will help you be able to get a better night’s sleep and give you more time to enjoy your book as you prepare for bedtime.

Nourishing From Within

Seasonal produce isn’t just a trend; it’s nature’s way of providing what our bodies need. Pumpkins, apples, squash, and root vegetables are ripe for the picking. These not only make for delicious meals but are packed with nutrients to boost immunity and overall health. So, take a trip to your local farmer’s market and get creative in the kitchen!

Outdoor Activities for the Soul

Yes, the temperatures are dropping, but that’s no excuse to stay indoors. Nature, during fall, is a spectacle to behold. Go for a walk and witness the changing colors, or visit a local orchard for apple picking. Activities like these aren’t just fun; they also offer therapeutic benefits, from sunlight exposure (hello, Vitamin D!) to the calming effects of nature.

DealDash Has Items to Help You Enjoy Fall

Which of these suggestions will you use this September? DealDash can help you with any items you need to get in a little self-care. If skincare is your favorite form of self-care, then you will love the sonic facial cleanser that DealDash has up for bid. In addition to this, you will also find items to help you feel cozy. Make your space more warm and inviting by adding a new rug, a fluffy comforter, or candles. And of these items will help you on your September self-care journey.

Thanks for Reading

In conclusion, September is more than just a month of transition from summer to fall. It’s a reminder that change, both external and internal, is natural and beautiful. Embracing this shift with intentional self-care ensures we thrive during this phase. Let’s welcome the crisp air, the comforting routines, and the cozy nights with a heart full of gratitude and a soul ready for rejuvenation. After all, self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a way of life. Be sure to check DealDash for items to make your life as cozy as possible this fall. Thanks so much for reading, and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.