Feeling Overwhelmed? Talk to DealDash…


Being overwhelmed is just part of being an adult. However, there are some things that you can do to feel better. Let DealDash help.

Do you often find yourself feeling overwhelmed at work or home? I typically feel like I have at least a twenty-five things going on. Between raising my big family, fitness goals, blogging, being an admin for a very large Facebook group – it’s easy to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything that I need to do. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed most of the time. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to help yourself with this problem. Here are some ideas and tips from DealDash.

Dump the Frenemies

Are you a member of a group or organization that has many different members? Do you socialize a lot with your neighbors or the other parents at the PTA? How about the other parents from your kid’s sports teams? I’m guessing that you might have a “frenemy” here or there in the bunch. Don’t waste your time on people whose company you don’t enjoy. Your time is precious, especially when you have so little of it to yourself. Make sure to spend your extra time with those people that you care about, such as family or close friends.

Clean (a Little Bit) Daily

Wash your dishes right after you finish the meal prep or your meal. Definitely don’t let the dishes pile up. Make your bed right as soon as you get up in the morning. Put your laundry away as soon as it’s dry. Vacuum a few times a week, even if your floors don’t look dirty. Doing all of these little things as they are needed will save you a big clean-up when things really start to look dirty.


Make Your Local Thrift Store Love You

Donate your old clothing, dishes, electronics, kitchen items, furniture, and knick-knacks. You don’t need all of the extra clutter, and it will make your hour look nicer and will make it easier to clean. In addition to that, it will help other people. Doesn’t it feel good to donate things?

Make a List

I am a huge fan of lists. Shopping lists, cleaning lists, and long and short-term goal lists. No matter what you need to do, there’s a list that you can make. Making lists helps you get your thoughts organized and keep the details straight, helping you not forget anything. Need things to be less overwhelming? Make a list, every time.

Fewer Commitments, Better Life

Do you have many commitments that require your attention? Are there any that you can skip or reduce? I have personally found that my quality of life goes up every time that I say “no thank you” to extra commitments. If you can carve yourself out extra free time, then your feelings of being overwhelmed will certainly be reduced.

Thanks for Reading

Finally, thanks a lot for reading this new DealDash article on being overwhelmed. Don’t forget to check back here every day for new articles as well as on our sister blog, DealDash Tips. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at DealDashBlog.comDealDashTips.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.