Incentive to outbid other DealDash bidders

As a satisfied DealDash customer I just want to share a few thoughts about participating on this auction site.
For starters, I’d like to make reference to other bidders and the things I see bidders write in their bidder bio. Although some may be a veteran, disabled, unemployed, etc. will other bidders really cut them a break? Personally it gives ME more of an incentive to outbid them and win. After all, this is an auction, not a charity.
Furthermore, if you think “stomping” or “rapid fire bidding” is a useful strategy, check out the wins of other stompers. Usually they are 0 for 6 on their win limits meaning they have not won and this is not a good strategy. Bid stompers / rapid fire bidders are only placing their bids fast and preventing other bidders from collecting Time as Highest Bidder so they can level up and get a free bid reward – not cool! Personally this also gives me more of an incentive. An incentive to sit back with my BidBuddy on and watch these bid stompers waste their bids, eventually run out of bids and then me or someone else win the auction. Take away… don’t stomp on others or try to intimidate other bidders with rapid fire technique. This will likely only make the other person angry because you are taking away their time to collect free bids.
Lastly, if you have overbid, bid too often, or spent too much time and money on the site; remember it is YOUR fault and you need to think about what you are doing. I can’t understand why people blame DealDash. They have a great auction and shopping model where DealDash is able to make profits while also providing consumers with some of the best deals that can be found the internet. Not to mention it’s a fun and entertaining place to shop. I only wish I had thought of it first!