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O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree

Did you know you can buy a Christmas tree from Target? For many years, I have not been a regular shopper of Target stores. That was before I  started winning and using the buy-it-now option on DealDash.com.

As a frequent bidder on DealDash, I learned I could win Target cards and save them to purchase larger items. Not only could I use the cards for music, movies, sweat pants, or socks, but the local Target also sells a variety of items groceries and even Christmas trees. I found I could purchase many household items at Target as well and when  — Read full post

Holiday Shopping Season on DealDash

Holiday Shopping Season On DealDash

The holiday shopping season on DealDash is in full force and it’s a great time to get a deal!

Have you seen all the DealDash deals in the past month? I can not believe how cheap the bids have been, not to mention how many special days they have had. Just like most retailers, the holiday shopping season is always a busy time of the year and the same goes for DealDash. If you are not playing on DealDash this holiday shopping season, you are missing out BIG TIME!!

One of my favorite days and shopping specials DealDash offers is
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New to DealDash - Open the Auction

If You Are New to DealDash, This Is For You

New to Dealdash – Welcome! This site will change your way of shopping forever!

I started playing on DealDash.com over 2 years ago and things have never been the same. My kids ask, “Mommy, can we go to the store to buy a video game? “I have to say “lets check DealDash first!”
It is very easy to win on DealDash, but there are a few things you need to know before you get started. I’m going to walk you through how to be successful on DealDash and highlight some of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to bidding
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santa and polar bear

It’s beginning to look a lot like a DealDash Christmas

I’m so excited about putting up my DealDash Christmas decorations this year. I have won a few new things to put up in my front yard that have made my house look so festive.

Each item I won I used a different method of bidding to win the items I won and in this article i’m going to share some secretes on how I’ve been successful in winning. Consider this my DealDash Christmas gift/tip to you.

 So lets start here with this Gemmy Christmas Airblown Santa Sitting on Polar Bear Scene which I won for $25.41.

I know what you  — Read full post

DealDash Refund Makes it Risk Free to Try

How One DealDasher’s Humble Beginnings Changed How They Shop

How starting to play DealDash became a great way to shop and save.

Strangely enough, my love for the TV show Law and Order: Special Victims Unit started my obsession with our beloved DealDash. I use TiVo every day to record the TV programs that I like to watch, and then I usually fast forward right through the commercials. Sometimes instead of fast forwarding I will get up to get a drink, and on one of those occasions I sat back down on my couch, and on TV was the DealDash commercial. I very briefly said “Hunh, that’s interesting, I’ll  — Read full post