DealDash Auctions
Home Review

Auctions In September Are My Favorite Auctions

Exactly 11 months ago today, September 19th 2013 at 1 am, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to go online to check the online auctions DealDash was offering.

As you may know DealDash has a wide variety of different auctions so I decided to buy 200 bids for 34 dollars and continued to browse. As I was trying to figure out what auctions I wanted to bid on, out of the blue a username popped up that had my moms initials in it. You see we lost our mom due to complications from a surgery to remove cancer in her  — Read full post

From DealDash with Love
Home Review

DealDash Shopping Opens My Heart and Helps Me Give

Shopping on DealDash is a blessing for my single, busy, professional daughter who’s everyday is improved by my love for shopping on DealDash.

As a busy professional my daughter is, I try to do what I can to help her out and that’s where shopping on DealDash comes into play and helps her out. Her job is not only high power but it includes quite a bit of traveling. Her traveling includes furthering her education and certification in three states so that she may continue teaching diabetes. She has saved many lives, going out in the field to detect  — Read full post

DealDash giveaway
Bidding Tips Home Review

DealDash Winning Giveaway

I consider myself a generous person as my big DealDash wins were given to my two grown daughters.

Who couldn’t use a $250.00 Exxon gas card? At one point, I was on Deal Dash so much, one daughter was actually putting in her requests. Because she is saving to buy a home, I concentrated on Home Goods and started winning auctions such as a Boss Executive chair for her office, Rachel Ray pots and pans, a Breville Hot Wok, a $200.00 Target gift card, a $100.00 TJX gift card, and a $300.00 Amazon gift card.

The only question I had  — Read full post

How to Win on DealDash
Bidding Tips Home Review

DealDash Competition

I have been writing about events and things we can all do to be better winners and fellow bidders on DealDash.

When you think about penny auction sites, being a winner is the main goal. Who wouldn’t want to win a flat-screen tv for $5? I think we are all alike in the fact we want the best deal possible on the prize we try to win.

Knowing we can’t win all of the auctions we bid on, why do we keep bidding? I have gone into auctions knowing full well I was not going to win. But, “you never  — Read full post

spend and save on DealDash

Stubborn DealDash Bidders = Overbidding

I know we have all seen DealDash auctions that last days upon days and we wonder how many bids has each bidder used.

Most of the time it’s two bidders who have been in since the beginning of the auction. I figure they have been trying for that item for sometime and decided “today is it.. no backing down this time”. The problem is if two bidders have that same philosophy, that will surely become a train wreck.

I recently witnessed such an auction. I have wanted to win that elusive projector I can’t seem to win, so I  — Read full post