Overbid Risk

Two Reasons I Might Overbid on Purpose

Why would anyone purposely overbid on DealDash.com?

“How dumb is that?” you might ask.  Actually, it might not be so dumb… sometimes.

I have been bidding on DealDash for over 2.5 years. Most of the time, I do not overbid but I might choose to overbid on purpose when:

  1. DealDash.com is running a special offer and customers earn 3X or 5X on their Time as Highest Bidder clock to win free bids.
  2. I recognize screen names of one or two stubborn bidders that I know will never quit and never allow me to “win.”

That is when I know it is “safe” for me to overbid on purpose to get more time on the clock. Regardless, I will get all my bids back free in the end, anyway, so why not use this opportunity to get more time on the clock? Additionally, it might teach some players a lesson to think twice about bidding with me in the future because it will not be an easy win.

Related: Two Kinds of Bidders to Avoid

Once I have used enough bids to equal the retail price of the auction product, it usually makes more sense to stop bidding and BIN (Buy It Now) to get all my bids back free, but this is one exception. Of course, once the bidding reaches this point, I do not want to “win” the auction because it would hurt me more than it would help me. However, if DealDash is giving us three to five times credit on the time as highest bidder clock to win free bids and I see one or two bidders still playing who are too stubborn to allow me to “win”, I might be willing to risk overbidding on purpose. This way I get to collect more free bids and use the Buy it Now option to get the item I want and my bids back.

What reasons and situations would you overbid in an auction?

By Barbara Sellers

Overbid Risk