Navigation GPS on DealDash

Navigation Comes Easy with DealDash

A great win that I recently had was the below TomTom GPS navigation system. This is something that I defiantly did not expect to win. Super happy when I did!

It only cost me 19 cents and one bid to win this great navigation system worth $135! I used my method of booking my bid buddy at the last second before the auction went live. The navigation GPS device was something that I figured would end up selling for a lot of money, so I just put 10 bids into the bid buddy to see what would happen. I was planning on watching the auction, and figured I was going to end up taking my bids out. However to my surprise the congratulations box suddenly appeared!

The GPS navigation wasn’t something that I ever would have went out to buy in the store. Before winning this item, I would just use my phone for directions. However, now that I have the navigation it’s something that I really would recommend to anyone.

When I used my phone for navigation, I would periodically turn the navigation on and off during a trip since it cost me to use my data. I have to say it is so easy to simply program the TomTom navigation and just let it go. This gets me to my destination, and I do not get charged for any data so I’m able to use my data for other things. Recently, I was visiting a friend that had just moved into the area. I wasn’t familiar with his side of town, and had no idea what restaurants were around. This was something I could have found out on my phone, however I used my GPS, and it navigated me to a nearby restaurant with ease.

Here’s a screen shot of the TomTom GPS navigation system I won. DealDash can be a lot of fun and definitely worth a try! Thanks DealDash!

By Erica Baughman

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navigation won on DealDash