Experience DealDash Oscar Wilde
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Learn To Play DealDash With Informed Bidding Decisions

I’m usually the good guy, women, or person, but tonight I want to talk about how people play on DealDash. How can we focus on playing our own game…win or lose? How can we prevent being effected by the way others choose to play their game?

Providing helpful tips and explaining the games strategy are wonderful, but what I’ve found is we can’t tell others how to play. What we can do is focus on what works good for us and pass those tips and strategies forward to others. Perhaps they will listen and implement some of the strategies we  — Read full post

DealDash Statistics
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Track Your DealDash Stats

DealDash Statistics

There’s no doubt that bidding in auctions is lots of fun and very addictive. You can get some great deals, but if you’re not careful, you can also spend more money than you want to.

The problem I’ve noticed is that it can be very difficult to really know where you stand as far as money spent vs. auctions won. There are lots of factors involved in getting an accurate picture of our overall profit/loss from our bidding activity. Probably the most important factor is knowing the exact value of each bid we spend. Here’s what I mean. Say we  — Read full post

DealDash Free Bids
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New To Bidding? Stop Single Bidding And Use BidBuddy

DealDash Free Bids

Time after time, I see DealDash bidders jumping in immediately after someone places a bid (call it Bid Stomping if you will).

As one of my DealDash strategies I will often count how many different bidders are actively pursuing whatever item I am bidding on at the time. Usually it never fails that there are 6, 8, or even 10 different bidders in an auction, yet someone chooses to bid after each bid placed. I wonder if they know they can’t outbid the Bid Buddy?

Nine times out of ten, when I look at the Bidder who is jumping in  — Read full post

Color Love KitchenAid DealDash
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DealDash ‘One-Per-User’ Auctions Explained

Color Love KitchenAid DealDash

Deal Dash offers many high value items that are marked ‘One-Per-User’. This is to be sure that all of us have an opportunity to win something of significance.

However, as I discovered myself and reading comments from others, this does not always hold true due to item specific details which technically make the same item… different.

For example: If the same item comes up for auction with the same description but color is the different, then it is considered a new item and you can bid again even if you already won this item. Say you win a Kitchen Aid  — Read full post

Win Learn Play DealDash
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Do Work | Calculate Math | Have Patience

Win Learn Play DealDash

It takes time to learn the ropes to bidding on DealDash. However, you can win some really nice items at incredibly low prices if you are willing to do the work, the math and most of all have patience! If you are a newcomer, watch a couple of auctions from the beginning to end before bidding. You learn a lot watching the bidding practices of others!


Plan before entering an auction. Buy your bids when they are at the lowest price. The lowest I’ve seen is 220 bids @ .15 cents each totalling $33. I personally would not enter  — Read full post