Big Wins Small Steps DealDash
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Why I Bid Small

I’ve been shopping on for over 1 year and my auction bidding strategy is to bid small.

I enjoy bidding on the lower valued items DealDash lists up for auction. Why? I continue to choose this strategy because I am able to win easier and I enjoy winning auctions. Since beginning my shopping and bidding experience on DealDash I have won 93 auctions in total and have received some really great deals. Another reason I like bidding on small items is because I have not been as successful with the big ticket / high value items like I have  — Read full post


How to Contribute as a DealDash Guest Blogger


Would you like to contribute as a DealDash guest blogger? Do you have good bidding tips, recommendations, or any other bidding advice which promote auction education and responsible bidding? How about a great experience using one of the brand named products offered on DealDash?

In order to contribute as a DealDash guest blogger it is required to be a customer with experience bidding in the DealDash auctions. If you are interested and would like to help contribute as a DealDash guest blogger towards this effort of promoting auction education, responsible bidding, and brand promotion, here are the details:

1.  — Read full post

Bidding Tips Home Uncategorized

DealDash Bidding Tips Collected Since 2012


I am a 60 year old grandmother hoping to retire soon and have been bidding and shopping on since September 2012.

When shopping on DealDash it’s important to keep some things in mind. For example when purchasing bids, DealDash has many bid sales. I only buy bids when they are 15 or 16 cents. You need to be a responsible bidder by remembering what you paid for your bids and what the item will cost you because if you don’t know this, it is easy to spend more on the item than it is worth. See Track Your DealDash  — Read full post

DealDash Shopping
Bidding Tips Home

How I’ve Become A More Responsible Player With Self-Control

DealDash Shopping

I love Deal Dash; I have done so well on this website.

I have managed to win 34 auctions valued over a $1000.00 and only spent approximately $500.00. That’s double the profit therefore it makes it very hard not to become addicted to shopping on I know that control is a huge part of loving this website and enjoying the experience. I’ve found myself playing auctions it in the middle of the night, during work, etc. and must say it’s addicting for me.

In my experience the profits outweigh the losses. With the BIN (Buy it Now) feature, you  — Read full post

How to bid on DealDash
Bidding Tips Home

Enjoy Wasting Bids And How To Stop

How to bid on DealDash

Over the past few months I have watched “new” bidders come to DealDash, and waste their purchased bids and free bids by jumping into an auction and bidding after every single person places a bid.

This must seem like a good idea, and a very easy way to win some great items.  The problem with this type of bidding is that very rarely will it result in a win. A simple DealDash tip is to study the auction and look who all is involved in an auction and how they are bidding.  You’ll notice most people will use the BidBuddy  — Read full post