DealDash Penny Auctions

3 Helpful Questions To Ask Yourself When Bidding On DealDash

To bid or not to bid? That is one question to ask yourself when bidding on DealDash. Here are three more helpful questions you need to be asking.

Do you ever find yourself bidding for products that you do not really need or want? When I first discovered it happened to me a lot. customers might easily get carried away because it has such a wide variety of high-quality products and it is one of the most honest, fun and exciting penny auction sites online. To avoid over bidding and going over the limits of our budget, I learned that it is very important to first ask ourselves the following questions:

• Do I really need this product?

• If I do not win, can I afford to use the Buy It Now (BIN) option to get all my bids back?

• If I were not bidding, would I be shopping for this item, anyway?

By taking the time to stop and ask these questions, we will be far less likely to waste bids on products we do not really need or want and we will be far more likely to have enough bids left for the auction items that we really do want to win.

When I first started shopping on I also wanted to win good deals for my friends. Since I am a member of Take off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), I focused on winning food and bathroom scales to give away as birthday gifts. After a while, however, I looked at how much it was costing me. Even though I was getting some good deals, I could not afford to give away so many expensive gifts to so many people.

Now I encourage everyone to do their own shopping on The bottom line: To continue enjoying our shopping experience on, it is important to plan ahead, set reasonable limits and stay within our budgets.

By Barbara Sellers

ALSO SEE: Anatomy Of An Auction