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Reasons I Think DealDash Is The Best Penny Auction Site

Here are my tops reasons and tips why I think DealDash is the best penny auction site available.

They are fair to everyone with the win limits

  • Everyone has a limit of 3 winning auctions worth 200 dollars or higher and 6 winning auctions under 200 dollars per week. Therefore making it fair for everyone to win!

Buy It Now option

  • If you bid on a item and don’t win you have the option to buy it at regular price and get what bids you used on that item back to try again.

Free shipping

  • What can I say, Dealdash
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losing is winning
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Why Losing Is Not Necessarily A Bad Thing

Losing in some cases is really like “winning”, you get the best of a fun shopping experience.

Bidding on Deal Dash is like shopping at the mall.  Once a decision is made to begin bidding the auction goes at a snail’s pace or quick as lightning!  Depending on how many people are bidding, and you can see that when you isolate an auction, the auction can take off quickly and end just as fast.  If there are only a few “serious bidders”, those that set their bid buddy, the auction could take a while.  I have found that I can  — Read full post

What's In and What's Out
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Let’s Be Real: Buy it Now On Bid Packs Is Out

What's In and What's Out

We all would LOVE to win Bid Packs when they come up for auction on DealDash. Realistically, it rarely happens, at least for me.

When we spend our bids trying to win, we love to use the Buy it Now (BIN) and have all those spent bids returned to us. But Lets Be Real [DealDash Tip] – It is cheaper to buy more bids then to BIN on a Bid Pack. Why? Because the BIN price is always the normal cost of the bids, which is $0.60 per bid, not the “sale” prices we have become accustom to {and prefer}. — Read full post

Bidding Tips
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Three Good DealDash Bidding Tips

Each month I like to decide what I’m going to bid on and how many bids I need to invest in. When I buy bids I always try to get them when they are the cheapest (15¢), this also helps to increase my return. So this month wasn’t any different…after thinking about it, I purchased some bids and decided to bid on several items including Lowe’s gift cards. As faith will have it, I won some and lost some! Guess what…I was fine with that since I was going to go to Lowe’s and purchase some new ceiling fans anyway.  — Read full post

Red Cardinal in Snow
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Reasons You Can Win More in January!!

What a good time to bid! The holiday madness is over and we can take advantage of less people on board. If the auction numbers hold steady, it only makes sense that with less people, the better our chances to win. I know I will be shopping on DealDash looking for gift cards or other unique things that may come up for auction.

Red Cardinal in Snow

I always keep gift cards or gifts won so that if there is an occasion, I have gifts on hand. Especially, since we have brutal winters, this is the best way to shop.

How easy is it  — Read full post