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3 Tips To Become A Winner On DealDash

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Having been a bidder on DealDash for about 1 ½ years, I have learned some interesting things from other people by just watching the auctions. Here are my three tips to become a winner on Deal Dash!

My first DealDash tip is: DO NOT become a bid stomper.

Bidding quickly against other bidders really wastes your own bids while others have their bid buddy set. If you do not isolate your auction you cannot tell who has the bid buddy set and who is just bidding occasionally. You’re also taking away from others trying to collect time as highest bidder  — Read full post

DealDash Universe
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Anatomy Of An Auction

DealDash Universe

The word anatomy is defined as “the study of the body plan of animals” so you may be wondering why I’ve chosen to use it to describe an auction.

The reason is that I view an auction as a “living” thing.  Each auction has it’s own individual “personality” based upon the various bidders involved.  Every auction is unique, but watch enough auctions and you will notice that most auctions follow a certain pattern.

When an auction begins, it typically goes through a stage which is a bit like throwing a piece of raw meat into a cage filled with hungry

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slow down
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4 Smart Bidding Tips For Beginners

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You joined Deal Dash, bought bids and are ready to go, Whoa…wait a minute.

Have you bid before? If not here are four Deal Dash bidding tips to keep in mind.

Bidding Tip Number One: Watch Before Bidding

Watch a few auctions before you join in the bidding. See how different bidders play, when they bid, how frequent they bid. You will need to figure out your own strategy once you start however watching the auctions before bidding is important.

Bidding Tip Number Two: Start Bidding On Small Items First

I would suggest you start with a small value item,  — Read full post

base jumping

In Defense Of Bid Jumpers

base jumping

Nobody likes the “Bid Jumper!!” GEEZ…

This poor soul gets beat up and called out in other Bidder Bios all the time!! I have even seen those that say that these Jumpers are breaking the rules!! While in reality this is not true!! Many say they swoop in at the last moment to “steal” the win from those who were bidding from the start. Others think that they are bid wasters or that they just drive up the cost of the ending price. Ehhh… again, not necessarily true.

First lets define a “Bid Jumper!”
In my mind there are at

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bidding mistakes
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Critical Mistakes People Make When It Comes To Bidding In Auctions

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Since joining DealDash back in August 2013, I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes. Hopefully I can help you avoid making some of the same mistakes I’ve made.  Why, you may be asking, would I be interested in helping you avoid making mistakes.  Great question!  Most of the mistakes we make result in something nobody wants – HIGHER PRICES!

If we were to talk about all the mistakes I’ve made, we’d be here for a long time, and I know you’re anxious to get bidding so let’s just look at the three most critical mistakes.

One of the  — Read full post