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Surprise your Friends with DealDash

Have you told your friends and family about DealDash and to give it a try?

Over the last few months I have told my friends about DealDash. I have three of my friends who decided to give DealDash a try after hearing about the great experience I was having and so far they think it’s been great! They really like it and have been having a lot of fun shopping for their friends and family too. I regularly get phone calls and messages from one of them telling me about the new winnings or sales going on. It’s a great feeling to know my friends and family are now sharing the excitement and savings I get from DealDash.
One of my friends recently bought his first bid pack for $32.00. He won some of the low end beginner auctions like a $15 Walmart gift card, a $15 Amazon gift card, and a major league baseball. He then started to move up in value and was able to win a $25 AMC Gift card and a grill set all with just his first bid pack – savings over $50 just to get started!
Did you know that if you don’t win an auction with your first bid pack, DealDash will return your bids free for a second chance? On top of this, if for whatever reason you are not happy, you can get your money back from your first bid pack purchase within 90 days. This is unconditional if you win or lose auctions, or whether you use your bids or not. This is part of their satisfaction guarantee and one other reason to choose DealDash over any other penny auction site / pay to play site.
Another one of my friends won Adobe Photoshop for just 17 cents!!! I was so excited for her to be able to win like that. I find it’s a great feeling to share my favorite shopping sites, like DealDash, and experiences with my friends and family. Now they are able to also have a fun shopping experience and even take me out to lunch with the gift cards they win!
Give it A shot, and if your friends are not happy, DealDash guarantees their first bid pack so they will not be out anything to try it!
One DealDash tip: make sure they know about using Bid Buddy and Buy it Now. These are the most important things about DealDash. I see new folks bidding like a crazy person and just wasting their bids while others are conserving their’s because they are using the BidBuddy. Perhaps recommend they start off slow and read articles in this blog like 6 Tips of Advice for Beginning Bidders.
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