
DealDash Gets Your Kids School Schedule on Track


School will be back in session in a few weeks. Get your kid’s schedule back on track with help from DealDash.

If your kids are anything like mine, they have been staying up later at night and sleeping later in the morning this summer. That’s perfectly fine and normal, but with school starting again in a few weeks it’s time to think about getting their sleeping and waking schedule back on track. Read on for more information, from DealDash.

Start Gradually

The reason that I am writing about this subject now when there are a few weeks of summer vacation  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Kids in the Kitchen


Do you have kids who like to “help”? Let DealDash help make kitchen time with kids go more smoothly with these tips.

The kitchen is a great place to spend some bonding time with your kids but that time can become stressful if you are not careful. Here are some tips to make any time spent in the kitchen with your kids a lot easier and even fun for you as the parent. Read on for more hints and tips from DealDash.

Let Them Get Their Hands Dirty

Starting with something simple that your kids can dig into with both  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Survive Food Shopping With Kids


Need some help shopping with your kids? Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to help.

Grocery shopping with small children is no easy task. No matter if they’re your kids, grandkids, or kids that you are babysitting, it is really a chore. We have all been there in the grocery store shopping when a small child has a meltdown when told they cannot get what they want. Glad that it isn’t your child? Well what if it was? Here are some ways to survive grocery day when you are in charge of small kids.

Make Sure the Kids

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DealDash Helps: Clean Stuffed Animals


Kids love stuffed animals, sometimes a little bit too much. DealDash is here to help you clean your kid’s stuffed animals.

Little children love their stuffed animals so much, and many like to take them everywhere with them. This means that the stuffed animals can get very dirty and grungy. Some stuffed animals are easy to just toss in the washing machine, but others take a little more TLC to get clean. Luckily, DealDash is here to help you clean those stuffed animals and make them like new again. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Use the Washing Machine

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DealDash Helps: Childhood Nighttime Fears


Being afraid of the dark can be really scary for kids. Let DealDash give you some tips and suggestions to help.

Being afraid of the dark is a very common and normal fear for children to have. As a mom or dad, it’s important that you help them work through their fears and feel better about the situation. You have to show your child that they are safe in the dark. Try to help your children feel comfortable when they are alone at night in the dark. With your help sleeping in the dark will seem less scary. Here are  — Read full post